[db2inst9@th1 ~]$ db2 get db cfg for test9 |grep log
User exit for logging status = NO
Catalog cache size (4KB) (CATALOGCACHE_SZ) = 300
Number of primary log files (LOGPRIMARY) = 13
Number of secondary log files (LOGSECOND) = 4
Changed path to log files (NEWLOGPATH) =
Path to log files = /data/db2inst9/db2inst9/NODE0000/SQL00001/SQLOGDIR/
Overflow log path (OVERFLOWLOGPATH) =
Mirror log path (MIRRORLOGPATH) =
First active log file =
Block log on disk full (BLK_LOG_DSK_FUL) = NO
Block non logged operations (BLOCKNONLOGGED) = NO
Percent max primary log space by transaction (MAX_LOG) = 0
Num. of active log files for 1 active UOW(NUM_LOG_SPAN) = 0
Percent log file reclaimed before soft chckpt (SOFTMAX) = 520
User exit for logging enabled (USEREXIT) = OFF
HADR log write synchronization mode (HADR_SYNCMODE) = NEARSYNC
First log archive method (LOGARCHMETH1) = OFF
Options for logarchmeth1 (LOGARCHOPT1) =
Second log archive method (LOGARCHMETH2) = OFF
Options for logarchmeth2 (LOGARCHOPT2) =
Failover log archive path (FAILARCHPATH) =
Number of log archive retries on error (NUMARCHRETRY) = 5
[db2inst9@th1 ~]$ cd /data/db2inst9/arch/
#####################db2 update db cfg for test9 using LOGRETAIN ON
[db2inst9@th1 arch]$ db2 update db cfg for test9 using logretain recovery
DB20000I The UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION command completed successfully.
[db2inst9@th1 arch]$ db2 force application all
[db2inst9@th1 arch]$ db2 terminate
[db2inst9@th1 arch]$ db2 backup db test9 to /data/db2inst9/
Backup successful. The timestamp for this backup image is : 20150813144518
[db2inst9@th1 arch]$ db2 connect to test9
Database Connection Information
Database server = DB2/LINUXX8664 9.7.10
SQL authorization ID = DB2INST9
Local database alias = TEST9
[db2inst9@th1 arch]$ db2 get db cfg for test9|grep -i log
Log retain for recovery status = RECOVERY
User exit for logging status = NO
Catalog cache size (4KB) (CATALOGCACHE_SZ) = 300
Log buffer size (4KB) (LOGBUFSZ) = 256
Log file size (4KB) (LOGFILSIZ) = 1024
Number of primary log files (LOGPRIMARY) = 13
Number of secondary log files (LOGSECOND) = 4
Changed path to log files (NEWLOGPATH) =
Path to log files = /data/db2inst9/db2inst9/NODE0000/SQL00001/SQLOGDIR/
Overflow log path (OVERFLOWLOGPATH) =
Mirror log path (MIRRORLOGPATH) =
First active log file = S0000000.LOG
Block log on disk full (BLK_LOG_DSK_FUL) = NO
Block non logged operations (BLOCKNONLOGGED) = NO
Percent max primary log space by transaction (MAX_LOG) = 0
Num. of active log files for 1 active UOW(NUM_LOG_SPAN) = 0
Percent log file reclaimed before soft chckpt (SOFTMAX) = 520
Log retain for recovery enabled (LOGRETAIN) = RECOVERY
User exit for logging enabled (USEREXIT) = OFF
HADR log write synchronization mode (HADR_SYNCMODE) = NEARSYNC
First log archive method (LOGARCHMETH1) = LOGRETAIN
Options for logarchmeth1 (LOGARCHOPT1) =
Second log archive method (LOGARCHMETH2) = OFF
Options for logarchmeth2 (LOGARCHOPT2) =
Failover log archive path (FAILARCHPATH) =
Number of log archive retries on error (NUMARCHRETRY) = 5
Log archive retry Delay (secs) (ARCHRETRYDELAY) = 20
Log pages during index build (LOGINDEXBUILD) = OFF
[db2inst9@th1 arch]$ db2 update db cfg for test9 using LOGARCHMETH1 "DISK: /data/db2inst9/arch/"
SQL0104N An unexpected token "/data/db2inst9/arch/" was found following
"<identifier>". Expected tokens may include: "ALT_COLLATE". SQLSTATE=42601
[db2inst9@th1 arch]$ db2 update db cfg for test9 using LOGARCHMETH1 "DISK:/data/db2inst9/arch/"
DB20000I The UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION command completed successfully.
[db2inst9@th1 arch]$ ls
[db2inst9@th1 arch]$ db2 ARCHIVE LOG FOR DATABASE test9
SQL1493N The application is already connected to an active database.
[db2inst9@th1 arch]$ db2 force application all
DB20000I The FORCE APPLICATION command completed successfully.
DB21024I This command is asynchronous and may not be effective immediately.
[db2inst9@th1 arch]$ db2 terminate
DB20000I The TERMINATE command completed successfully.
[db2inst9@th1 arch]$ db2 ARCHIVE LOG FOR DATABASE test9
DB20000I The ARCHIVE LOG command completed successfully.
[db2inst9@th1 arch]$ ls
[db2inst9@th1 arch]$ cd db2inst9/
[db2inst9@th1 db2inst9]$ ls
[db2inst9@th1 db2inst9]$ cd TEST9/
[db2inst9@th1 TEST9]$ ls
[db2inst9@th1 TEST9]$ cd NODE0000/
[db2inst9@th1 NODE0000]$ ls
[db2inst9@th1 NODE0000]$ cd C0000000/
[db2inst9@th1 C0000000]$ ls
[db2inst9@th1 C0000000]$ db2 ARCHIVE LOG FOR DATABASE test9
DB20000I The ARCHIVE LOG command completed successfully.
[db2inst9@th1 C0000000]$ ls
S0000000.LOG S0000001.LOG
[db2inst9@th1 C0000000]$ db2 LIST HISTORY ARCHIVE LOG all for test9
List History File for test9
Number of matching file entries = 4
Op Obj Timestamp+Sequence Type Dev Earliest Log Current Log Backup ID
-- --- ------------------ ---- --- ------------ ------------ --------------
X D 20150813144636 1 D S0000000.LOG C0000000
Start Time: 20150813144636
End Time: 20150813144637
Status: A
EID: 4 Location: /data/db2inst9/arch/db2inst9/TEST9/NODE0000/C0000000/S0000000.LOG
Op Obj Timestamp+Sequence Type Dev Earliest Log Current Log Backup ID
-- --- ------------------ ---- --- ------------ ------------ --------------
X D 20150813144636 N S0000000.LOG
Start Time: 20150813144636
End Time: 20150813144636
Status: A
EID: 5
Op Obj Timestamp+Sequence Type Dev Earliest Log Current Log Backup ID
-- --- ------------------ ---- --- ------------ ------------ --------------
X D 20150813144658 1 D S0000001.LOG C0000000
Start Time: 20150813144658
End Time: 20150813144659
Status: A
EID: 6 Location: /data/db2inst9/arch/db2inst9/TEST9/NODE0000/C0000000/S0000001.LOG
Op Obj Timestamp+Sequence Type Dev Earliest Log Current Log Backup ID
-- --- ------------------ ---- --- ------------ ------------ --------------
X D 20150813144658 N S0000001.LOG
Start Time: 20150813144658
End Time: 20150813144658
Status: A
EID: 7
[db2inst9@th1 C0000000]$