--file: main.lua function __G__TRACKBACK__(msg) print("----------------------------------------") print("LUA ERROR: " .. tostring(msg) .. "\n") print(debug.traceback()) print("----------------------------------------") end function main() CCLuaLog("function main start") p[2] = 2 --这里写了一个错误用来触发错误处理 CCLuaLog("function main finished") end xpcall(main, __G__TRACKBACK__)
[LUA-print] ---------------------------------------- [LUA-print] LUA ERROR: ...2d-x-2.1.5\projects\Flyman\Resources\script/main.lua:12: attempt to index global 'p' (a nil value) [LUA-print] stack traceback: ...2d-x-2.1.5\projects\Flyman\Resources\script/main.lua:6: in function <...2d-x-2.1.5\projects\Flyman\Resources\script/main.lua:3> ...2d-x-2.1.5\projects\Flyman\Resources\script/main.lua:12: in function <...2d-x-2.1.5\projects\Flyman\Resources\script/main.lua:10> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ...2d-x-2.1.5\projects\Flyman\Resources\script/main.lua:16: in main chunk [LUA-print] ----------------------------------------
...2d-x-2.1.5\projects\Flyman\Resources\script/main.lua:12: attempt to index global 'p' (a nil value)
xpcall(f, err)This function is similar to pcall, except that you can set a new error handler.xpcall calls function f in protected mode, usingerr as the error handler. Any error insidef is not propagated; instead,xpcall catches the error, calls theerr function with the original error object, and returns a status code. Its first result is the status code (a boolean), which is true if the call succeeds without errors. In this case,xpcall also returns all results from the call, after this first result. In case of any error,xpcall returns false plus the result fromerr.
焦点转移到了 int lua_pcall (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc),因为xpcall就是用它实现的。查看原码可以了解到:
static int luaB_xpcall (lua_State *L) { int status; luaL_checkany(L, 2); lua_settop(L, 2); lua_insert(L, 1); /* put error function under function to be called */ status = lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 1); lua_pushboolean(L, (status == 0)); lua_replace(L, 1); return lua_gettop(L); /* return status + all results */ }
int lua_pcall (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc)
Calls a function in protected mode.
是的,在保护模式下调用lua function。把lua_pcall和lua_call对比一下,体会更深。我们继续往下看,关键的地方来了
If errfunc is 0, then the error message returned on the stack is exactly the original error message.Otherwise,errfunc is the stack index of anerror handler function. (In the current implementation, this index cannot be a pseudo-index.) In case of runtime errors, this function will be called with the error message and its return value will be the message returned on the stack bylua_pcall.
Typically, the error handler function is used to add more debug information to the error message, such as a stack traceback. Such information cannot be gathered after the return oflua_pcall, since by then the stack has unwound.
The lua_pcall function returns 0 in case of success or one of the following error codes (defined inlua.h):
LUA_ERRRUN: a runtime error.
LUA_ERRMEM: memory allocation error. For such errors, Lua does not call the error handler function.
LUA_ERRERR: error while running the error handler function.
int top = lua_gettop(m_state); lua_getglobal(m_state, "__G__TRACKBACK__");//通过函数名,压入错误处理函数 if (lua_type(m_state, -1) != LUA_TFUNCTION) //尼马,居然找不到,那肯定是拼写错误! { CCLog("[LUA ERROR] can't find function <__G__TRACKBACK__>err"); lua_settop(m_state, top); return; } int errfunc = lua_gettop(m_state); //刚压入的函数,肯定是栈顶哦,那gettop就是他的索引 lua_getglobal(m_state, "main"); //查找要执行的函数 if (lua_type(m_state, -1) != LUA_TFUNCTION) { CCLog("[LUA ERROR] can't find function <main>err:%s", lua_tostring(m_state, -1)); lua_settop(m_state, top); return; } if (lua_pcall(m_state, 0, 0, errfunc) != 0) //执行函数main,参数0,返回值0,errfunc是错误处理函数 { lua_settop(m_state, top); return; } lua_settop(m_state, top);
local function tostringex(v, len) if len == nil then len = 0 end local pre = string.rep('\t', len) local ret = "" if type(v) == "table" then if len > 5 then return "\t{ ... }" end local t = "" for k, v1 in pairs(v) do t = t .. "\n\t" .. pre .. tostring(k) .. ":" t = t .. tostringex(v1, len + 1) end if t == "" then ret = ret .. pre .. "{ }\t(" .. tostring(v) .. ")" else if len > 0 then ret = ret .. "\t(" .. tostring(v) .. ")\n" end ret = ret .. pre .. "{" .. t .. "\n" .. pre .. "}" end else ret = ret .. pre .. tostring(v) .. "\t(" .. type(v) .. ")" end return ret end local function tracebackex(msg) local ret = "" local level = 2 ret = ret .. "stack traceback:\n" while true do --get stack info local info = debug.getinfo(level, "Sln") if not info then break end if info.what == "C" then -- C function ret = ret .. tostring(level) .. "\tC function\n" else -- Lua function ret = ret .. string.format("\t[%s]:%d in function `%s`\n", info.short_src, info.currentline, info.name or "") end --get local vars local i = 1 while true do local name, value = debug.getlocal(level, i) if not name then break end ret = ret .. "\t\t" .. name .. " =\t" .. tostringex(value, 3) .. "\n" i = i + 1 end level = level + 1 end return ret end local function tracebackAndVarieble(msg) print(tracebackex()) end __G__TRACKBACK__ = tracebackAndVarieble function main() CCLuaLog("function main start") <span style="color:#990000"> local a = 1 </span> p[2] = 2 --这里写了一个错误用来触发错误处理 CCLuaLog("function main finished") end
[LUA-print] stack traceback: [[string "script/DebugTool.lua"]]:57 in function `` msg = ...2d-x-2.1.5\projects\Flyman\Resources\script/main.lua:8: attempt to index global 'p' (a nil value) (string) (*temporary) = function: 0512A6D8 (function) [...2d-x-2.1.5\projects\Flyman\Resources\script/main.lua]:8 in function `` a = 1 (number) (*temporary) = nil (nil) (*temporary) = nil (nil) (*temporary) = attempt to index global 'p' (a nil value) (string)