
  • Zookeeper 安装、配置、运行
  • http://www.fayea.com
  • 1

    Open your favorite Web browser and go to ZooKeeper's official website. Download the latest stable release from one of the Apache download mirrors. Save the file to your hard drive. Note that this file has a ".jar" extension, so it is an archive.

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    Unpack the file somewhere on your hard drive. Installing Hadoop ZooKeeper means creating a configuration file. Change the directory location to root.

  • Go to the folder where you extracted ZooKeeper and enter the "conf" directory. Create a new configuration file called "zoo.cfg." This is just a text file.

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    Open "zoo.cfg" with any text editor and paste in this code:


    "tickTime" is the basic time unit used by ZooKeeper. The value is represented in milliseconds. "dataDir" is the location where ZooKeeper stores in-memory database snapshots and the update logs. "clientPort" is the port on which ZooKeeper listens for any connections from its clients.

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    Change the "dataDir" to an existing, empty directory. The Hadoop ZooKeeper installation is complete. Run this command in your Linux command line to start ZooKeeper:

    bin/zkServer.sh start

    Read more: How to Install Hadoop Zookeeper | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_12020527_install-hadoop-zookeeper.html#ixzz2NEDEamMl
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