

procedure TfrmMain.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); //动态打印excel报表
   tiaojian : string; //tiaojian 为一个sql查询语句,全宗号,目录号,起始日期为一数据库字段
   tiaojian := ';
  if Edit7.Text <> ' then
    tiaojian := tiaojian + ' ( 全宗号=' + EDit7.Text + ' ) and';
  if Edit8.Text <> ' then
    tiaojian := tiaojian + ' ( 目录号=' + Edit8.Text + ') and';
  if Edit9.Text <> ' then
    tiaojian := tiaojian + ' ( 起始日期>= ' + Edit9.Text + ' ) and';
  else tiaojian := tiaojian + ' ( 起始日期>=0) and';
  if Edit10.Text <> ' then
    tiaojian := tiaojian + ' ( 起始日期<= ' + Edit10.Text + ' ) and';
  tiaojian := copy(tiaojian, 1, length(tiaojian) - 3); //tiaojian 为一个sql查询语句
  Printanjuan(tiaojian); //调用打印过程
 ShellExecute(Handle, 'Open', PChar(GetCurpath + 'temp.xls'), nil, nil, sw_shownormal); //调用excel查看生成的文件
  ProgressBar1.Position:=0; //ProgressBar1 为一个进程条控件

procedure TfrmMain.Printanjuan(tiaojiao:string);
  nowhangi, i, jilushu, LCID: integer; //nowhangi当前 execl的所在行,jilushu当前的记录位置
  ssql, PathName: string;
  oldcur: tcursor;
  ExcelApplication1: TExcelApplication;
  ExcelWorkbook1: TExcelWorkbook;
  ExcelWorkSheet1: TExcelWorksheet;
  xl, Cell1: olevariant;
  if FileExists(GetCurpath + 'temp.xls') then //删除动态生成的临时temp.xls文件
    DeleteFile(GetCurpath + 'temp.xls');
  ssql := '; //执行sql查询
  ssql := 'select * from mainanjuan where (' + tiaojiao + ') order by 系统编号 ';
  doadosql(dm1.queryanjuan, ssql);
      ExcelApplication1 := TExcelApplication.Create(Self);
      ExcelWorkbook1 := TExcelWorkbook.Create(Self);
      ExcelWorkSheet1 := TExcelWorksheet.Create(Self);
      showmessage('对不起,您没有安装Excel 2000!');
  ExcelApplication1.Workbooks.Add(null, 0);
  //如果调用一个模板 ,改动该句如:
  //ExcelApplication1.Workbooks.Add('c:\zichang.xls', 0);
  ExcelWorkSheet1.ConnectTo(ExcelWorkBook1.Sheets[1] as _WorkSheet);
  if dm1.queryanjuan.RecordCount > 0 then
    nowhangi := 1;
    ExcelApplication1.Range['A1', 'A1'].ColumnWidth := 3.5;
    ExcelApplication1.Range['B1', 'B1'].ColumnWidth := 3.5;
    ExcelApplication1.Range['C1', 'C1'].ColumnWidth := 3.5;
    ExcelApplication1.Range['D1', 'D1'].ColumnWidth := 8;
    ExcelApplication1.Range['E1', 'E1'].ColumnWidth := 20;
    ExcelApplication1.Range['F1', 'F1'].ColumnWidth := 8.75;
    ExcelApplication1.Range['G1', 'G1'].ColumnWidth := 8.75;
     ExcelApplication1.Range['H1', 'H1'].ColumnWidth := 3.0;
      ExcelApplication1.Range['I1', 'I1'].ColumnWidth := 3.0;
       ExcelApplication1.Range['J1', 'J1'].ColumnWidth := 3.0;
    for jilushu := 1 to (dm1.queryanjuan.RecordCount) do
    begin //ProgressBar1 为一个进程条控件
      ProgressBar1.Position:= (jilushu*100) div (dm1.queryanjuan.RecordCount);
        if jilushu mod strtoint(edit14.Text) = 1 then //edit14.Text的值为一个数字,表示每页的记录数目
        begin //打印每页的页头
          ExcelApplication1.Range['A' + inttostr(nowhangi), 'J' + inttostr(nowhangi)].Merge(xl);//合并execl单元格
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi, 1].font.Name := fontselectbox.FontName;
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi, 1].font.size := 24;
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi, 1].RowHeight := 32;
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi, 1] := '案卷目录';
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi, 1].HorizontalAlignment := xlCenter;
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi + 1, 1].font.Name := fontselectbox.FontName;
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi + 1, 1].font.size := 12;
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi + 1, 1].Font.Bold := True;
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi + 1, 1].Orientation := xlVertical;
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi + 1, 1].VerticalAlignment := xlTop;
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi + 1, 1] := '顺序号';
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi + 1, 2].font.Name := fontselectbox.FontName;
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi + 1, 2].font.size := 12;
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi + 1, 2].Font.Bold := True;
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi + 1, 2].Orientation := xlVertical;
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi + 1, 2].VerticalAlignment := xlTop;
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi + 1, 2] := '全宗号';
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi + 1, 3].font.Name := fontselectbox.FontName;
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi + 1, 3].font.size := 12;
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi + 1, 3].Font.Bold := True;
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi + 1, 3].Orientation := xlVertical;
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi + 1, 3].VerticalAlignment := xlTop;
          ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi + 1, 3] := '目录号';
          if (jilushu div strtoint(edit14.Text) > 0) then
            Cell1 := ExcelWorksheet1.Cells.Item[nowhangi, 11];
          nowhangi := nowhangi + 2;
        ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi, 1].RowHeight := 60;
        ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi, 1].font.Name := fontselectbox.FontName;
        ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi, 1].font.size := strtoint(Edit11.text);
        ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi, 1].WrapText := True;
        ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi, 1] := inttostr(jilushu);
        ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi, 2].font.Name := fontselectbox.FontName;
        ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi, 2].WrapText := True;
        ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi, 2].font.size := strtoint(Edit11.text);
        ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi, 2] := dm1.queryanjuan.fieldbyname('全宗号').asstring;
        ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi, 3].font.Name := fontselectbox.FontName;
        ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi, 3].WrapText := True;
        ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi, 3].font.size := strtoint(Edit11.text);
        ExcelWorkSheet1.cells.Item[nowhangi, 3] := dm1.queryanjuan.fieldbyname('目录号').asstring;
      nowhangi := nowhangi + 1;
try //插入页码
  ExcelWorkSheet1.PageSetup.RightHeader := '&9第&P 页 共&N页';
  for i := 1 to nowhangi - 1 do //画单元格边框
    if taoda.Checked then
      with ExcelApplication1.Range['A' + inttostr(i), 'J' + inttostr(i)].Borders do
        LineStyle := xlContinuous;
        Weight := xlThin;
        ColorIndex := xlAutomatic;
  ExcelWorkBook1.SaveCopyAs(GetCurpath + 'temp.xls');
  ExcelApplication1.DisplayAlerts[LCID] := False;


procedure TfrmMain.DoAdoSql(CurADODS: TADODataSet; SSql: string);
  oldcur: tcursor;
  sb1.Panels[0].Text := '正在查询数据……'; //sb1:Tstatusbar控件
  oldcur := Screen.Cursor;
  screen.cursor := crHourGlass;
    if CurADODS.Active = true then CurADODS.Close;
    CurADODS.CommandText := SSql;
    screen.Cursor := oldcur;
