【索引】Dynamic Programming::Examples:Beginner

AOAPC I: Beginning Algorithm Contests -- Training Guide (Rujia Liu)

Chapter 1. Algorithm Design::Dynamic Programming:Examples:Beginner

  • 11584 - Partitioning by Palindromes
  • 1424 - Salesmen
  • 10534 - Wavio Sequence
  • 11552 - Fewest Flops
  • 11404 - Palindromic Subsequence
  • 1456 - Cellular Network
  • 11795 - Mega Man's Mission
  • 1452 - Jump
  • 1366 - Martian Mining
  • 10564 - Paths through the Hourglass
  • 10817 - Headmaster's Headache
  • 1292 - Strategic game
  • 1351 - String Compression
  • 1291 - Dance Dance Revolution
  • 1252 - Twenty Questions
  • 10163 - Storage Keepers
  • 10453 - Make Palindrome
  • 10254 - The Priest Mathematician
  • 437 - The Tower of Babylon
  • 442 - Matrix Chain Multiplication
  • 473 - Raucous Rockers
  • 590 - Always on the run
  • 607 - Scheduling Lectures
  • 662 - Fast Food
  • 672 - Gangsters

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