/** * Run a dynamic version of PageRank returning a graph with vertex attributes containing the * PageRank and edge attributes containing the normalized edge weight. * * @see [[org.apache.spark.graphx.lib.PageRank$#runUntilConvergence]] */ def pageRank(tol: Double, resetProb: Double = 0.15): Graph[Double, Double] = { PageRank.runUntilConvergence(graph, tol, resetProb) }
/** * Run a dynamic version of PageRank returning a graph with vertex attributes containing the * PageRank and edge attributes containing the normalized edge weight. * * @tparam VD the original vertex attribute (not used) * @tparam ED the original edge attribute (not used) * * @param graph the graph on which to compute PageRank * @param tol the tolerance allowed at convergence (smaller => more accurate). * @param resetProb the random reset probability (alpha) * * @return the graph containing with each vertex containing the PageRank and each edge * containing the normalized weight. */ def runUntilConvergence[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag]( graph: Graph[VD, ED], tol: Double, resetProb: Double = 0.15): Graph[Double, Double] = { runUntilConvergenceWithOptions(graph, tol, resetProb) } /** * Run a dynamic version of PageRank returning a graph with vertex attributes containing the * PageRank and edge attributes containing the normalized edge weight. * * @tparam VD the original vertex attribute (not used) * @tparam ED the original edge attribute (not used) * * @param graph the graph on which to compute PageRank * @param tol the tolerance allowed at convergence (smaller => more accurate). * @param resetProb the random reset probability (alpha) * @param srcId the source vertex for a Personalized Page Rank (optional) * * @return the graph containing with each vertex containing the PageRank and each edge * containing the normalized weight. */ def runUntilConvergenceWithOptions[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag]( graph: Graph[VD, ED], tol: Double, resetProb: Double = 0.15, srcId: Option[VertexId] = None): Graph[Double, Double] = { // Initialize the pagerankGraph with each edge attribute // having weight 1/outDegree and each vertex with attribute 1.0. val pagerankGraph: Graph[(Double, Double), Double] = graph // Associate the degree with each vertex .outerJoinVertices(graph.outDegrees) { (vid, vdata, deg) => deg.getOrElse(0) } // Set the weight on the edges based on the degree .mapTriplets( e => 1.0 / e.srcAttr ) // Set the vertex attributes to (initalPR, delta = 0) .mapVertices( (id, attr) => (0.0, 0.0) ) .cache() val personalized = srcId.isDefined val src: VertexId = srcId.getOrElse(-1L) // Define the three functions needed to implement PageRank in the GraphX // version of Pregel def vertexProgram(id: VertexId, attr: (Double, Double), msgSum: Double): (Double, Double) = { val (oldPR, lastDelta) = attr val newPR = oldPR + (1.0 - resetProb) * msgSum (newPR, newPR - oldPR) } def personalizedVertexProgram(id: VertexId, attr: (Double, Double), msgSum: Double): (Double, Double) = { val (oldPR, lastDelta) = attr var teleport = oldPR val delta = if (src==id) 1.0 else 0.0 teleport = oldPR*delta val newPR = teleport + (1.0 - resetProb) * msgSum (newPR, newPR - oldPR) } def sendMessage(edge: EdgeTriplet[(Double, Double), Double]) = { if (edge.srcAttr._2 > tol) { Iterator((edge.dstId, edge.srcAttr._2 * edge.attr)) } else { Iterator.empty } } def messageCombiner(a: Double, b: Double): Double = a + b // The initial message received by all vertices in PageRank val initialMessage = resetProb / (1.0 - resetProb) // Execute a dynamic version of Pregel. val vp = if (personalized) { (id: VertexId, attr: (Double, Double), msgSum: Double) => personalizedVertexProgram(id, attr, msgSum) } else { (id: VertexId, attr: (Double, Double), msgSum: Double) => vertexProgram(id, attr, msgSum) } Pregel(pagerankGraph, initialMessage, activeDirection = EdgeDirection.Out)( vp, sendMessage, messageCombiner) .mapVertices((vid, attr) => attr._1) } // end of deltaPageRank
/** * @author xubo * ref http://spark.apache.org/docs/1.5.2/graphx-programming-guide.html * time 20160503 */ package org.apache.spark.graphx.learning import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.graphx.Graph import org.apache.spark.graphx.Graph.graphToGraphOps import org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexId import org.apache.spark.graphx.util.GraphGenerators import org.apache.spark.graphx.GraphLoader object PageRank { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("PageRank").setMaster("local[4]") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) // Load the edges as a graph val graph = GraphLoader.edgeListFile(sc, "file/data/graphx/input/followers.txt") // Run PageRank val ranks = graph.pageRank(0.0001).vertices // Join the ranks with the usernames val users = sc.textFile("file/data/graphx/input/users.txt").map { line => val fields = line.split(",") (fields(0).toLong, fields(1)) } val ranksByUsername = users.join(ranks).map { case (id, (username, rank)) => (username, rank) } // Print the result println(ranksByUsername.collect().mkString("\n")) } }
<pre code_snippet_id="1671863" snippet_file_name="blog_20160504_3_6713227" name="code" class="plain"> val ranks = graph.pageRank(0.0001).vertices就行了,0.0001为前后两次收敛的误差阈值,小于这个阈值时则结束计算,越小精度越到
2 1 4 1 1 2 6 3 7 3 7 6 6 7 3 7
users.txt<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">:</span>
1,BarackObama,Barack Obama 2,ladygaga,Goddess of Love 3,jeresig,John Resig 4,justinbieber,Justin Bieber 6,matei_zaharia,Matei Zaharia 7,odersky,Martin Odersky 8,anonsys
<img src="http://img.blog.csdn.net/20160504185030083?watermark/2/text/aHR0cDovL2Jsb2cuY3Nkbi5uZXQv/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/400/fill/I0JBQkFCMA==/dissolve/70/gravity/Center" alt="" />
(justinbieber,0.15) (matei_zaharia,0.7013599933629602) (ladygaga,1.390049198216498) (BarackObama,1.4588814096664682) (jeresig,0.9993442038507723) (odersky,1.2973176314422592)第8个顶点由于没有与任何顶点连接,故join时就没了
【1】 http://spark.apache.org/docs/1.5.2/graphx-programming-guide.html