命令行下面创建Rhodes程序项目Hello World,编译并启动BlackBerry模拟器运行程序



C:> rhogen app helloworld_application

C:> cd helloworld_application

查看build.xml,缺省bbver: 4.6,如果你要运行BlackBerry OS 5.0模拟器,那么修改4.6为5.0


C:> rake run:bb


命令行下面创建Rhodes程序项目Hello World,编译并启动BlackBerry模拟器运行程序_第1张图片


C:> rake bbapp




rake -T

rake build:symbian:rhobundle    # Build symbian rhobundle
rake build:wp:rhobundle         # Build WP7 rhobundle
rake clean:android              # Clean Android
rake clean:bb                   # Clean bb
rake clean:iphone               # Clean iphone
rake clean:motce                # Clean Motorola device build
rake clean:win32                # Clean win32
rake clean:wm                   # Clean wm
rake clean:wp                   # Clean wp
rake config:checkbb             # Check local blackberry configuration
rake device:android:debug       # Build debug self signed for device
rake device:android:production  # Build production signed for device
rake device:bb:debug            # Build debug for device
rake device:bb:production       # Build production for device
rake device:iphone:production   # Builds and signs iphone for production
rake device:motce:production    # Build production for Motorola device
rake device:symbian:production  # Build production for device
rake device:wm:production       # Build production for device or emulator
rake device:wp:production       # Build production for device or emulator
rake package:bb:production_sim  # Package all production (all parts in one ...
rake run:android                # build and launch emulator
rake run:android:device         # build and install on device
rake run:bb                     # Builds everything, loads and starts bb si...
rake run:bb:startsim            # Start Blackberry simulator
rake run:bbapp                  # Builds everything and loads application on bb simulator
rake run:bbdev                  # Same as run:bb, but only supports one app...
rake run:iphone                 # Builds everything, launches iphone simulator
rake run:rhosimulator_base      # Run application on RhoSimulator
rake run:win32                  # Run win32
rake run:wm                     # Build and run on WM6 emulator
rake run:wm:cab                 # Build, install .cab and run on WM6 emulator
rake run:wm:device              # Build and run on the Windows Phone
rake run:wm:device:cab          # Build, install .cab  and run on the Windo...
rake run:wp                     # Build, install .xap and run on WP7 emulator
rake run:wp:device              # Build, install .xap and run on WP7 device
rake uninstall:android          # uninstall from emulator
rake uninstall:android:device   # uninstall from device
