2.将一个文件拷贝到另一个文件中去#include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> int readline(int filedes,char *buff,int nbytes){ int numread=0; int returnval=0; while( numread < nbytes-1){ while( ((returnval=read(filedes,buff+numread,1))==-1) && (errno==EINTR));//break by signal will restar. if(returnval==-1){//read error perror("file read error ."); return -1; } if(returnval==0){//end of file return numread; } if(buff[numread++]=='\n'){//end of line buff[numread]='\0'; return numread; } } errno=EINVAL; return -1; }
3.针对上面的因信号重启read和write函数,写出重启函数r_read,r_write#include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #define BLKSIZE 512 //copy dstfd to srcfd int copyfile(int dstfd,int srcfd){ char *bp; char buff[BLKSIZE]; int copybytes,readbytes,writtenbytes; //read file until end of file while(1){ while( ((readbytes=read(srcfd,buff,BLKSIZE))==-1) && (errno==EINTR));//interupt by signal will restar. if(readbytes==-1){//read error. perror("Read file error."); return -1; } if(readbytes==0){//read to the end of file. break; } bp=buff; while(readbytes>0){ if(((writtenbytes=write(dstfd,bp,readbytes))==-1) && (errno==EINTR)){ writtenbytes=0; } if(writtenbytes == -1){//write error. return -1; } bp+=writtenbytes; readbytes-=writtenbytes; } } }
4.读入指定字节数#include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> ssize_t r_read(int fd,void *buff,size_t nbytes){ ssize_t retval; while( ((retval=read(fd,buff,nbytes))==-1) && (errno==EINTR)); return retval; } ssize_t r_write(int fd,void *buff,size_t nbytes){ char *bufp; size_t bytestowrite; ssize_t byteswritten; size_t totalbytes; for(bufp=buff,bytestowrite=nbytes,totalbytes=0; bytestowrite>0; bufp+=byteswritten,bytestowrite-=byteswritten) { byteswritten=write(fd,bufp,bytestowrite); //这代码没有处理byteswritten<bytestowrite情况 //如果因为磁盘已满出错,则会一直写但每次都写不进去,死循环 if( (byteswritten==-1) && (errno != EINTR )){ return -1; } else{ byteswritten=0; } totalbytes+=byteswritten; } return totalbytes; } //用r_read和r_write重写copyfile函数 #define BLKSIZE 512 int copyfile(int dstfd,int srcfd){ char buff[BLKSIZE]; int bytesread,byteswritten; int totalbytes=0; while(1){ if( (bytesread=r_read(srcfd,buff,BLKSIZE)) <=0){ break; } if( (byteswritten=r_write(dstfd,buff,bytesread)) <=0){ break; } totalbytes+=byteswritten; } return totalbytes; }
暂时补充这么 几个,12点了,去睡觉了。#include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/stat.h> ssize_t readblock(int fd,void *buff,size_t nbytes){ char *bufp; size_t bytestoread,totalbytes; ssize_t bytesread; for(bufp=buff,bytestoread=nbytes,totalbytes=0; bytestoread>0; bufp+=bytesread,bytestoread-=bytesread) { bytesread=read(fd,bufp,bytestoread); if( (bytesread==0) && (totalbytes==0) ){//read the end of file while the first read. return 0; } if(bytesread==0){//read the end of file but totalbytes < nbytes errno=EINVAL; return -1; } if( (bytesread==-1) && (errno!=EINTR) ){ return -1; } if(bytesread==-1){//read error : this time of reading is not effective. bytesread=0; } totalbytes+=bytesread; } }
keep moving!