Tools you need:
for win
2.ant for windows
3.jdk for window (1.5 or 1.6 ver) editor
for linux
2.ant for linux
3.jdk for linux (1.5 or 1.6 ver) editor
before start our program,to set you PATH env var corretly,like the android-sdk-window/tools,jdk_XXX/bin,JAVA_HOME...
1st step. to gennerate the Andorid project.
enter your android-sdk-window dir,use the android program,in windows ,means the android.bat.
android.bat create project /
--target <target_ID> /
--name <your_project_name> /
--path <your_project_path> /
--activity <your_avtivity_name> /
--package <your_package_namespace>
e.g c:/android create project --target 4 --name MyHelloWorld --patch d:/Hello --activity HelloWorld
then a project well be create in the path you provided.what have ben create could be see in the console.
2ed step. to compile your project
now is time to use the Ant,the build.xml file is the makefile for the Ant.
enter your project dir.
use cmd Ant,
e.g D:/Hello>ant debug
or D:/Hello>ant release the former will compile a debug apk,the latter will compile to a release version that need to be signed.
3rd step. to run your .apk
we use the emulator under your android-sdk-XXXX/tools/
before we run it in a emulator,we need a AVD (Android Virtual Device),you can use the default AVD named AVD ,like this
D:/Hello>emulator -avd AVD
I'm not very sure every sdk of different version will have the same defualt AVD,your can see your AVDs use this cammand : >android list avd . it will show all the AVDs that you have.
To create a new AVD,you can see the emulator help,use CMD:>emulator -help-virtual-device
once startup your AVD,you can use the adb.exe to install your .apk to your emulator.