JS实现的动画效果多半是用timmer实现的某个属性不断改变的过程。以下这个写好的函数是十分强大的~摘自JSDG 5th ed。附上我的注释:
* AnimateCSS.js:
* This file defines a function named animateCSS(), which serves as a framework
* for creating CSS-based animations. The arguments to this function are:
* element: The HTML element to be animated.
* numFrames: The total number of frames in the animation.
* timePerFrame: The number of milliseconds to display each frame.
* animation: An object that defines the animation; described below.
* whendone: An optional function to call when the animation finishes.
* If specified, this function is passed element as its argument.
* The animateCSS() function simply defines an animation framework. It is
* the properties of the animation object that specify the animation to be
* done. Each property should have the same name as a CSS style property. The
* value of each property must be a function that returns values for that
* style property. Each function is passed the frame number and the total
* amount of elapsed time, and it can use these to compute the style value it
* should return for that frame. For example, to animate an image so that it
* slides in from the upper left, you might invoke animateCSS as follows:
* animateCSS(image, 25, 50, // Animate image for 25 frames of 50ms each
* { // Set top and left attributes for each frame as follows:
* top: function(frame,time) { return frame*8 + "px"; },
* left: function(frame,time) { return frame*8 + "px"; }
* });
* animateCSS()函数是作为一个基于CSS的动画实现框架。通过传递参数对象来制定动画样式。
* element:需要创建动画的HTML元素节点
* numFrames:动画的总帧数
* timePerFrame:每一帧的毫秒数
* animation:定义动画的详细参数对象
* whendone:动画执行完毕后的回调函数
* animation对象,每个属性的名称必须对应CSS的JS名,属性值为该CSS属性的计算函数
function animateCSS(element, numFrames, timePerFrame, animation, whendone) {
var frame = 0; // Store current frame number
var time = 0; // Store total elapsed time
// Arrange to call displayNextFrame() every timePerFrame milliseconds.
// This will display each of the frames of the animation.
// 很显然只是安排调用displayNextFrame(),关键就在这个函数中
var intervalId = setInterval(displayNextFrame, timePerFrame);
// The call to animateCSS() returns now, but the previous line ensures that
// the following nested function will be invoked once for each frame
// of the animation.
// 在这里我们检查是否已经完成所有帧数,如果是,就清除timmer然后执行回调函数;
// 如果没有就遍历animation对象里的属性设置element的CSS属性。
function displayNextFrame() {
if (frame >= numFrames) { // First, see if we're done
clearInterval(intervalId); // If so, stop calling ourselves
if (whendone) whendone(element); // Invoke whendone function
return; // And we're finished
// Now loop through all properties defined in the animation object
for(var cssprop in animation) {
// For each property, call its animation function, passing the
// frame number and the elapsed time. Use the return value of the
// function as the new value of the corresponding style property
// of the specified element. Use try/catch to ignore any
// exceptions caused by bad return values.
// 这里执行每个属性的计算函数,给计算函数传递的是frame当前帧数,time已执行时间
try {
element.style[cssprop] = animation[cssprop](frame, time);
} catch(e) {}
frame++; // Increment the frame number
time += timePerFrame; // Increment the elapsed time