Javascript CSS编程 (一)元素定位、透明、内联样式

Querying Element Position and Size

the offsetLeft and offsetTop properties of an element return the X and Y coordinates of the element.

the offsetWidth and offsetHeight properties return the width and height. These properties are read-only and return pixel values as numbers (not as CSS strings with "px" units appended).

They mirror the CSS left, top, width, and height attributes

offesetLeft and offsetTop specify the X and the Y coordinates of an element relative to offsetParent element.

For positioned elements, the offsetParent is typically the <body> tag or the <html> tag (which has an offsetParent of null) or a positioned ancestor of the positioned element. For nonpositioned elements, different browsers handle the offsetParent differently.

In general, therefore, the portable way to determine the position of an element is to loop through the offsetParent references, accumulating offsets.





// Get the X coordinate of the element e.
function getX(e) {
    var x = 0;                // Start with 0
    while(e) {                // Start at element e
        x += e.offsetLeft;    // Add in the offset
        e = e.offsetParent;   // And move up to the offsetParent
    return x;                 // Return the total offsetLeft

function getY(element) {
    var y = 0;
    for(var e = element; e; e = e.offsetParent) // Iterate the offsetParents
        y += e.offsetTop;                       // Add up offsetTop values

    // Now loop up through the ancestors of the element, looking for
    // any that have scrollTop set. Subtract these scrolling values from
    // the total offset. However, we must be sure to stop the loop before
    // we reach document.body, or we'll take document scrolling into account
    // and end up converting our offset to window coordinates.
    for(e = element.parentNode; e && e != document.body; e = e.parentNode)
        if (e.scrollTop) y -= e.scrollTop;  // subtract scrollbar values

    // This is the Y coordinate with document-internal scrolling accounted for.
    return y;


opacity: .75;               /* standard CSS3 style for transparency */
-moz-opacity: .75;          /* transparency for older Mozillas */
filter: alpha(opacity=75);  /* transparency for IE; note no decimal point */

Scripting Inline Styles

It is important to understand that the CSS2Properties object you obtain with the style property of an element specifies only the inline styles of the element. You cannot use the properties of the CSS2Properties object to obtain information about the stylesheet styles that apply to the element. By setting properties on this object, you are defining inline styles that effectively override stylesheet styles.


float - > cssFloat
