wall 标签


'load_capabilities' tag 

The 'load_capabilities' tag is needed for those who intend to use the conditional tags in the JSTL with WALL as in the example below:

<c:if test="${capabilities.gif}"> 

Loading the capabilities is sort of expensive the first time, so it's wise to avoid that operation unless you know you need it. 

Invoking the load_capabilities tag will make the following variables available for your scripting:

${capabilities.'capability_name'}  =  wurfl capability

${wall_markup}                     =  xhtmlmp, wml, chtml

${brands}                          =  list of device brands

${devices.'brand_name'}            =  list of devices grouped by brand

${device_id}            =  WURFL device_id (debugging purposes)

		<device user_agent="SAMSUNG-SGH-G808/1.0 SHP/VPP/R5 NetFront/3.4 Qtv/5.3 SMM-MMS/1.2.0 profile/MIDP-2.0 configuration/CLDC-1.1" fall_back="mobile_xhtml_browser" id="samsung_g808_ver1" >
			<group id="product_info">
				<capability name="brand_name" value="Samsung"/>
				<capability name="model_name" value="SGH-G808"/>
			<group id="display">
				<capability name="resolution_width" value="240"/>
				<capability name="resolution_height" value="320"/>
