——by A Code Rabbit
Date Structure :: Graphs
经典的 BFS 题目,注意马不可以走到棋盘外,即要注意边界条件的判断。
// UVaOJ 439 // Knight Moves // by A Code Rabbit #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> struct Status { int x; int y; int num_steps; }; struct Change { int x; int y; }; const Change CHANGE[] = { {-2, -1}, {-2, 1}, {-1, -2}, {-1, 2}, { 1, -2}, { 1, 2}, { 2, -1}, { 2, 1}, }; const int LIMITS = 10; char a_col, a_row; char b_col, b_row; bool is_visited[LIMITS][LIMITS]; Status queue[LIMITS * LIMITS]; int target_x, target_y; int head, tail; int ans; bool is_found; void INIT(); void BFS(); void Search(int x, int y, int num_steps); int main() { while (scanf("%c%c %c%c", &a_col, &a_row, &b_col, &b_row) != EOF) { getchar(); // BFS. BFS(); // Outputs. printf("To get from %c%c to %c%c takes %d knight moves.\n", a_col, a_row, b_col, b_row, ans); } return 0; } void INIT() { memset(is_visited, 0, sizeof(is_visited)); head = 0; tail = 1; queue[0].x = a_row - '0'; queue[0].y = a_col - 'a'; queue[0].num_steps = 0; target_x = b_row - '0'; target_y = b_col - 'a'; is_found = false; } void BFS() { // Judge special sentence. if (a_row == b_row && a_col == b_col) { ans = 0; return; } // INIT. INIT(); // BFS. while (head < tail) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { Search(queue[head].x + CHANGE[i].x, queue[head].y + CHANGE[i].y, queue[head].num_steps + 1); } head++; } } void Search(int x, int y, int num_steps) { // Exit. if (is_found) { return; } if (x <= 0 || x > 8 || y < 0 || y >= 8) { return; } if (is_visited[x][y]) { return; } // Judge whether is the target. if (x == target_x && y == target_y) { ans = num_steps; is_found = true; return; } // Continue. queue[tail].x = x; queue[tail].y = y; queue[tail].num_steps = num_steps; is_visited[x][y] = true; tail++; }