#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Teacher { public: Teacher(string nam,int a,string t):name(nam),age(a),title(t){} void display() { cout << "name:" << name << endl; cout << "age:" << age << endl; cout << "title:" << title << endl; } protected: string name; int age; string title; }; class student { public: student(string nam,char a,float sco):name(nam),sex(a),score(sco){} void display() { cout << "name:" << name << endl; cout << "sex:" << sex << endl; cout << "score:" << score << endl; } protected: string name; char sex; float score; }; class Graduate:public Teacher,public student { public: Graduate(string nam,int a,char s,string t,float sco,float w):Teacher(nam,a,t),student(nam,s,sco),wage(w){} void show() { cout << "name:" << name << endl; //cout << "name:" << Teacher::name << endl; cout << "age:" << age << endl; cout << "sex:" << sex << endl; cout << "score:" << score << endl; cout << "title:" << title << endl; cout << "wages:" << wage << endl; } private: float wage; }; int main() { Graduate grad1("Wang -li",24,'f',"assistant",89.5,1234.5); grad1.show(); return 0; }
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test - cpp\test.cpp||In member function 'void Graduate::show()':|
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test - cpp\test.cpp|42|error: reference to 'name' is ambiguous|
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test - cpp\test.cpp|31|error: candidates are: std::string student::name|
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test - cpp\test.cpp|15|error: std::string Teacher::name|
||=== Build failed: 3 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s)) ===|
reference to 'name' is ambiguous 研究生的两个基类都有同名的成员 name,导致二义性。
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Teacher { public: Teacher(string nam,int a,string t):name(nam),age(a),title(t){} void display() { cout << "name:" << name << endl; cout << "age:" << age << endl; cout << "title:" << title << endl; } protected: string name; int age; string title; }; class student { public: student(string nam,char a,float sco):name(nam),sex(a),score(sco){} void display() { cout << "name:" << name << endl; cout << "sex:" << sex << endl; cout << "score:" << score << endl; } protected: string name; char sex; float score; }; class Graduate:public Teacher,public student { public: Graduate(string nam,int a,char s,string t,float sco,float w):Teacher(nam,a,t),student(nam,s,sco),name(nam),wage(w){} void show() { cout << "name:" << name << endl; //cout << "name:" << Teacher::name << endl; cout << "age:" << age << endl; cout << "sex:" << sex << endl; cout << "score:" << score << endl; cout << "title:" << title << endl; cout << "wages:" << wage << endl; } //private: public: string name; float wage; }; int main() { Graduate grad1("Wang -li",24,'f',"assistant",89.5,1234.5); grad1.show(); cout << endl; cout << "Graduate's name:" << grad1.name; return 0; }只是给Graduate类增加了一个name成员变量,然后利用同名覆盖解决了问题。
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Person { public: Person(string nam,char s, int a):name(nam),sex(s),age(a){} protected: string name; char sex; int age; }; class Teacher:virtual public Person { public: Teacher(string nam,char s,int a,string t):Person(nam,s,a),title(t){} void display() { cout << "name:" << name << endl; cout << "sex:" << sex << endl; cout << "age:" << age << endl; } protected: string title; }; class student:virtual public Person { public: student(string nam,char s,int a,float t):Person(nam,s,a),score(t){} void display() { cout << "name:" << name << endl; cout << "sex:" << sex << endl; cout << "age:" << age << endl; cout << "score:" << score << endl; } protected: float score; }; class Graduate:public Teacher,public student { public: Graduate(string nam,char s,int a,string t,float sco,float w):Person(nam,s,a),Teacher(nam,s,a,t),student(nam,s,a,sco),wage(w){} void show() { cout << "name:" << name << endl; //cout << "name:" << Teacher::name << endl; cout << "age:" << age << endl; cout << "sex:" << sex << endl; cout << "score:" << score << endl; cout << "title:" << title << endl; cout << "wages:" << wage << endl; } //private: public: float wage; }; int main() { Graduate grad1("Wang -li",'f',24,"assistant",89.5,1234.5); grad1.show(); cout << endl; student srm("srm",'b',25,1234.5); srm.display(); return 0; }使用了虚基类的办法,Gradute类只保留了一份person类的数据,需要注意的是gradute类的构造函数中,实际上是只由gradute类的构造函数完成person类的初始化。