迭代模式和合成模式在Head First Design Patterns(点击下载) 的第9章Well-Mangaed Collections
1 迭代模式 Iterator Pattern
迭代模式在Head First Design Patterns一书是这么定义的:The Iterator Pattern provides a way to access the elements of an collection(aggregate) object sequentially
without exposing its underlying representation.
JAVA中集合框架中的Iterator接口就用了这种模式,以用来遍历集合中的元素而没有暴漏具体使用了哪个集合(如HashMap, HashSet)。下面的Student类继承了Iterable接口用于返回一个Iterator,而StudentIterator继承了Iterator接口,详细代码如下:
public class Student implements Iterable<String> { static final int MAX_ITEMS=6; int numberOfItems=0; String[] items; public Student(String[] items){ this.items=items; } public Iterator<String> iterator() { return new StudentIterator(items); } }
public class StudentIterator implements Iterator<String> { private String[] items; private int position=0; public StudentIterator(String[] items){ this.items=items; } public boolean hasNext() { if(position>=items.length && items[position]==null) return false; else return true; } public String next() { return items[position++]; } public void remove() { // throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); //if don't want to implement remove method, throw thsi exception if(position <=0) throw new IllegalStateException("You can't remove an item until you've done at least one next()"); if(items[position-1]!=null){ for(int i=position-1;i<(items.length-1);i++) items[i]=items[i+1]; }//end if } //end remove }
2 合成模式 Composite Pattern
合成模式在Head First Design Patterns一书是这么定义的:The Composite Pattern allows you to compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole
hierachies.Composite lets clients treat individual objects and composition s of objects uniformly.
关于迭代模式和合成模式在Head First Design Patterns(点击下载) 的第9章Well-Mangaed Collections讲的非常精彩,可以参考学习。