
rsyslog会出现imuxsock begins to drop messages from pid类似错误,解决方法是:

The first solution is to simply increase the messages allowed and the time interval before rate-limiting occurs in rsyslog.  To do this, locate the rsyslog.conf and/or rsyslog.early.conf (usually in /etc) and add the following lines:
$SystemLogRateLimitInterval 10
$SystemLogRateLimitBurst 500
after any ModLoad commands in rsyslog.conf and/or rsyslog.early.conf
This will tell rsyslog to start rate-limiting (discarding messages) when more than 500 messages from a single PID are received within a 10 second interval (these numbers are not absolutes, they can be tailored to any given system, btw).
The second solution is to simply turn off rate-limiting for rsyslog, and to do this, add the following line to rsyslog.early.conf and/or rsyslog.conf using your favorite editor (Iím a vi/vim/gvim hound):
$SystemLogRateLimitInterval 0


重启命令:service rsyslog restart
