3 2 1 2 1 2 3 2 4 3 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 4 3
-1 3HintFor the second sample input: our enemy may build line 2 to 3, 2 to 4, 3 to 4. If they build line 2 to 3, we will destroy line 1 to 4, cost 3. If they build line 2 to 4, we will destroy line 1 to 3, cost 2. If they build line 3 to 4, we will destroy line 1 to 2, cost 1. So, if we want to make sure that we can destroy successfully, the minimum cost is 3.
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f; const int maxn2=200200; const int maxn1=10100; int n,m; struct Edge { int from,to,next,val,id; }edge[maxn2],edge2[maxn2]; int Size,Adj[maxn1],Size2,Adj2[maxn1]; int degree[maxn1],dp[maxn1][2],ANS; bool use[maxn2]; void init() { Size=0; memset(Adj,-1,sizeof(Adj)); } void Add_Edge(int u,int v,int cost,int d) { edge[Size].to=v; edge[Size].from=u; edge[Size].id=d; edge[Size].val=cost; edge[Size].next=Adj[u]; Adj[u]=Size++; } void init2() { Size2=0; memset(Adj2,-1,sizeof(Adj2)); } void Add_Edge2(int u,int v,int cost) { edge2[Size2].to=v; edge2[Size2].from=u; edge2[Size2].val=cost; edge2[Size2].next=Adj2[u]; Adj2[u]=Size2++; } /****************tarjan**********************/ int Low[maxn1],DFN[maxn1],Stack[maxn1],Belong[maxn1]; int Index,top,scc; bool Instack[maxn1]; void tarjan(int u,int fa) { int v; Low[u]=DFN[u]=++Index; Stack[top++]=u; Instack[u]=true; for(int i=Adj[u];~i;i=edge[i].next) { v=edge[i].to; if(v==fa&&use[edge[i].id]) continue; use[edge[i].id]=1; if(!DFN[v]) { tarjan(v,u); Low[u]=min(Low[u],Low[v]); } if(Instack[v]) { Low[u]=min(Low[u],DFN[v]); } } if(Low[u]==DFN[u]) { scc++; do { v=Stack[--top]; Instack[v]=false; Belong[v]=scc; }while(v!=u); } } void scc_solve(int n) { memset(DFN,0,sizeof(DFN)); memset(Instack,false,sizeof(Instack)); Index=scc=top=0; memset(use,0,sizeof(use)); for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) if(!DFN[i]) tarjan(i,i); } int dfs(int u,int f) { for(int i=Adj2[u];~i;i=edge2[i].next) { int v=edge2[i].to; if(v==f) continue; int mini=edge2[i].val; mini=min(mini,dfs(v,u)); if(mini<=dp[u][0]) { dp[u][1]=dp[u][0]; dp[u][0]=mini; } else if(mini<=dp[u][1]) { dp[u][1]=mini; } ANS=min(ANS,dp[u][1]); } return dp[u][0]; } int main() { while(scanf("%d%d",&n,&m)!=EOF) { init(); init2(); for(int i=0;i<m;i++) { int a,b,c; scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c); Add_Edge(a,b,c,i); Add_Edge(b,a,c,i); } scc_solve(n); int minedge=-1,mark=INF,maxd=-INF; memset(degree,0,sizeof(degree)); for(int i=0;i<Size;i++) { int u=edge[i].from; int v=edge[i].to; int c=edge[i].val; if(Belong[u]!=Belong[v]) { Add_Edge2(Belong[u],Belong[v],c); degree[Belong[u]]++,degree[Belong[v]]++; maxd=max(maxd,max(degree[Belong[u]],degree[Belong[v]])); if(mark>c) { mark=c; minedge=i; } } } if(maxd<=4) { puts("-1"); continue; } memset(dp,63,sizeof(dp)); ANS=INF; dfs(Belong[edge[minedge].from],Belong[edge[minedge].to]); dfs(Belong[edge[minedge].to],Belong[edge[minedge].from]); printf("%d\n",ANS); } return 0; }