scala(7)Learn CH9 Programming in Scala from others

scala(7)Learn CH9 Programming in Scala from others
Control Abstraction  File Top Function
package com.sillycat.easyscala.lesson7

object SafeFile {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    safeFileReaderOp("./", print)

  //Function passed to the upper function
  def print(reader: FileReader) = {
    val i =

  def safeFileReaderOp(filename: String,
    op: FileReader => Unit) = {
    val reader = new FileReader(filename)
    try {
    } finally {

A lot of top functions are provided in Scala. They are really helpful.
package com.sillycat.easyscala.lesson7

object CollectionFunctions {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val l = List(1, 3, 5, 7, -1)

    // check the elements greater than 0
    val hasNeg = l.exists((n: Int) => n > 0)
    println("has neg " + hasNeg) //has neg true

    // check if there is odd element
    val hasOdd = l.exists(_ % 2 == 0)
    println("has odd " + hasOdd) //has odd false

    // count the elements greater than 2
    val largeThen2 = l.count(_ > 2)
    println("count of > 2 = " + largeThen2) //count of > 2 = 3

    // copy the elements greater than 0 to another newly list
    val pos = l.filter(_ > 0)
    println("all positive " + pos) //List(1, 3, 5, 7)

    // check if all the elements are greater than 0
    val allPos = l.forall(_ > 0)
    println("is all positive " + allPos) //is all positive false

    // just print every element
    l.foreach(print _)  //1357-1

    // sum all the element
    var sum = 0
    l.foreach(sum += _)
    println("sum is " + sum) //sum is 15

    //square all the elements
    val square = Int) => n * n)
    println("squared list " + square) //List(1, 9, 25, 49, 1)

    // reverse all the element
    val reverse = l.reverse
    println("reversed list " + reverse) //List(-1, 7, 5, 3, 1)

    // sort
    val sort = l.sortWith((a, b) => a > b)
    println("sorted list " + sort) //(7, 5, 3, 1, -1)

Make some parameter constant, from my understanding, they are new functions with constant parameters.
package com.sillycat.easyscala.lesson7

object Curry {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    //take 2 group of parameters
    val v = sum(3)(4)
    println(v) //7

    //make the first parameter constant
    val s1 = sum(1) _
    val v1 = s1(3)
    println(v1) //4, equal to sum(1)(3)

    //make the first parameter constant
    val s2 = sum3(1) _
    val v2 = s2(2)(3)
    println(v2)   //6

    // make the first and second parameter constant
    val s3 = sum3(1)(2) _
    val v3 = s3(3)
    println(v3) // 6

    val s4 = s2(2)   // s4 = sum3(1)(2)
    val v4 = s4(3)   // v4 = sum3(1)(2)(3)
    println(v4)    //6

    val v5 = sum2(1)(2, 3)   //6

    val s6 = sum2(1) _
    val v6 = s6(2, 3)    //sum2(1)(2,3) 6

  def sum(x: Int)(y: Int) = x + y

  def sum3(x: Int)(y: Int)(z: Int) = x + y + z

  def sum2(x: Int)(y: Int, z: Int) = x + y + z

Pass the functions as parameters byName, byValue
package com.sillycat.easyscala.lesson7

object CallByName {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val o1 = new O()
    val o2 = new O()
    byName(o1 > o2)
    byValue(o1 > o2)

  //a class named O, what an useless name
  class O {
    def >(o: O): Boolean = {

  // by name parameter, predicate is the name of parameter, actually, it is
  // predicate
  def byName(predicate: => Boolean) = {
    println("before predicate byName")    //before predicate byName
    predicate                             //compare
    println("after predicate byName")     //after predicate byName

  // by Value
  def byValue(predicate: Boolean) = {
    println("before predicate byValue")    //compare
    predicate                              //before predicate byValue
    println("after predicate byValue")     //after predicate byValue

