Pareto Chart

Pareto chart

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中文翻译成:柏拉图;排列图;或 帕累托图

Pareto chart
One of the Seven Basic Tools of Quality
First described by Joseph M. Juran
Purpose To assess the most frequently occurring defects by category†

Pareto chart, named after Vilfredo Pareto, is a type of chart that contains both bars and a line graph, where individual values are represented in descending order by bars, and the cumulative total is represented by the line.

Simple example of a Pareto chart using hypothetical data showing the relative frequency of reasons for arriving late at work

The left vertical axis is the frequency of occurrence, but it can alternatively represent cost or another important unit of measure. The right vertical axis is the cumulative percentage of the total number of occurrences, total cost, or total of the particular unit of measure. Because the reasons are in decreasing order, the cumulative function is a concave function. To take the example above, in order to lower the amount of late arriving by 78%, it is sufficient to solve the first three issues.

The purpose of the Pareto chart is to highlightthe most important among a (typically large) set of factors. In quality control, it often represents the most common sources of defects, the highest occurring type of defect, or the most frequent reasons for customer complaints, and so on. Wilkinson (2006) devised an algorithm for producing statistically based acceptance limits (similar to confidence intervals) for each bar in the Pareto chart.

These charts can be generated by simple spreadsheet programs, such as Calc and Microsoft Excel and specialized statistical software tools as well as online quality charts generators.

柏拉图(Plato,Πλτων, 约前427年-前347年),古希腊伟大的哲学家,也是全部西方哲学乃至整个西方文化最伟大的哲学家和思想家之一,他和老师苏格拉底,学生亚里士多德并称为古希腊三大哲学家。另有其他概念包括:柏拉图主义柏拉图式爱情、经济学图表等含义。

