#include "vxWorks.h" #include "taskLib.h" #include "semLib.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "sysLib.h" SEM_ID semId; LOCAL SEM_ID semId1; /* semaphore id of binary semaphore 1 */ LOCAL SEM_ID semId2; /* semaphore id of binary semaphore 2 */ LOCAL BOOL notDone; /* flag to indicate completion */ LOCAL STATUS taskA (); LOCAL STATUS taskB (); //测试入口 STATUS TestBSem() { notDone = TRUE; /* semaphore semId1 is availble after creation*/ if ((semId1 = semBCreate (SEM_Q_PRIORITY, SEM_FULL)) == NULL) { perror ("synchronizeDemo: Error in creating semId1 semaphore"); return (ERROR); } /* semaphore semId2 is not available after creation*/ if ((semId2 = semBCreate (SEM_Q_PRIORITY, SEM_EMPTY)) == NULL) { perror ("synchronizeDemo: Error in creating semId2 semaphore"); return (ERROR); } /* Spwan taskA*/ if (taskSpawn ("tTaskA", 98, 0, 5000, (FUNCPTR) taskA, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) == ERROR) { perror ("synchronizeDemo: Error in spawning taskA"); return (ERROR); } /* Spwan taskB*/ if (taskSpawn ("tTaskB", 98, 0, 5000, (FUNCPTR) taskB, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) == ERROR) { perror ("synchronizeDemo: Error in spawning taskB"); return (ERROR); } /* Polling is not recommended. But used for simple demonstration purpose */ while (notDone) { taskDelay (sysClkRateGet()); /* wait here until done */ } /* Delete the created semaphores */ if (semDelete (semId1) == ERROR) { perror ("syncronizeDemo: Error in deleting semId1 semaphore"); return (ERROR); } if (semDelete (semId2) == ERROR) { perror ("syncronizeDemo: Error in deleting semId1 semaphore"); return (ERROR); } printf ("\n\n synchronizeDemo now completed \n"); return (OK); } /***************************************************************************** * taskA - executes event A first and wakes up taskB to excute event B next * using binary semaphores for synchronization. * * RETURNS: OK or ERROR * */ LOCAL STATUS taskA () { int count; for (count = 0; count < 3; count++) { if (semTake (semId1, WAIT_FOREVER) == ERROR) { perror ("taskA: Error in semTake"); return (ERROR); } printf ("taskA: Started first by taking the semId1 semaphore - %d times\n", (count + 1)); printf("This is task <%s> : Event A now done\n", taskName(taskIdSelf())); printf("taskA: I'm done, taskB can now proceed; Releasing semId2 semaphore\n\n"); if (semGive (semId2) == ERROR) { perror ("taskA: Error in semGive"); return (ERROR); } } return (OK); } /***************************************************************************** * taskB - executes event B first and wakes up taskA to excute event A next * using binary semaphores for synchronization. * * RETURNS: OK or ERROR * */ LOCAL STATUS taskB() { int count; for (count = 0; count < 3; count++) { if (semTake (semId2,WAIT_FOREVER) == ERROR) { perror ("taskB: Error in semTake"); return (ERROR); } printf ("taskB: Synchronized with taskA's release of semId2 - %d times\n", (count + 1 )); printf("This is task <%s> : Event B now done\n", taskName (taskIdSelf())); printf("taskB: I'm done, taskA can now proceed; Releasing semId1 semaphore\n\n\n"); if (semGive (semId1) == ERROR) { perror ("taskB: Error in semGive"); return (ERROR); } } notDone = FALSE; return (OK); }