知名应用程序的设计和技术一直都是开发者需要学习的,同样这些应用所使用的开源框架也是不可忽视的一部分。此前《iOS第三方开源库的吐槽和备忘》中作者ibireme列举了国内多款知名应用所使用的开源框架,并对其中一些框架进行了分析,同样国外开发者@iOSCowboy也在博客中给我们列出了国外多款知名应用使用的开源框架。另外txx's blog中详细介绍了Facebook Paper使用的第三方库。
第三方库名 | 简介 | 链接 |
ACE | code editor | https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace |
Appirater | 用户评分组件 | https://github.com/arashpayan/appirater |
Reachability | 网络连通测试 | https://github.com/tonymillion/Reachability |
AQGridView | iPhone/iPad网格视图 | https://github.com/AlanQuatermain/AQGridView |
bitvect | yasm组件一部分 | https://github.com/yasm/yasm/blob/master/libyasm/bitvect.c |
Boost | C++黑科技库 | http://www.boost.org/ |
Breadcrumb | 基于UIControl的分级控件 | https://github.com/meiwin/BTBreadcrumbView |
breakpad | google的崩溃收集系统 | code.google.com/p/google-breakpad/ |
Chromium | 这个还用说么 | http://www.chromium.org/ |
CocoaHTTPServer | 将iOS/Mac当做简易服务器 | https://github.com/robbiehanson/CocoaHTTPServer |
CocoaLumberjack | 非常著名的一个logger | https://github.com/CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack |
DCRoundSwitch | 可定制的Switch | https://github.com/domesticcatsoftware/DCRoundSwitch |
DTCoreText | 在coretext里面用HTML | https://github.com/Cocoanetics/DTCoreText |
EGODatabase | 线程安全的 SQLite封装 | https://github.com/enormego/egodatabase |
expat | C语言的XML解析器 | http://expat.sourceforge.net/ |
FFT by Mark Oleson | 快速傅里叶变换 | https://github.com/dkogan/PDL/tree/master/Lib/FFT |
FFT by Takuya Ooura | WWDC2010 accelerate guide提到的最快的FFT | http://www.fftw.org |
gh-kit | Utilities and categories for Objective-C | Utilities and categories for Objective-C |
gh-unit | Test Framework for Objective-C | https://github.com/gh-unit/gh-unit |
Google Toolbox for Mac | Google Mac/iOS 代码集合 | https://code.google.com/p/google-toolbox-for-mac |
google-web-toolkit | GWT | http://www.gwtproject.org/ |
gtest | google c++ test | https://code.google.com/p/googletest/ |
gyp | GYP can Generate Your Projects | https://code.google.com/p/gyp/ |
IEEE 754r Half Precision floating | 浮点格式 | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Half-precision_floating-point_format |
HPGrowingTextView | 与iOS SMS 类似的发送框 | https://github.com/HansPinckaers/GrowingTextView |
InAppSettingsKit | setting in app | http://www.inappsettingskit.com/ |
ios5-cookbook | https://github.com/erica/iOS-5-Cookbook | |
iso-8601-parser-unparser | Cocoa class to convert dates to and from ISO-8601-formatted strings | https://github.com/nixme/iso-8601-parser-unparser |
jqueryjs | 这个不用说了吧 | http://jquery.com/ |
JSONKit | 号称效率最高的JSON解析器 | https://github.com/johnezang/JSONKit |
leveldb | key-value型数据库 | https://code.google.com/p/leveldb/ |
LibComponentLogging-Core | logging library | https://github.com/aharren/LibComponentLogging-Core |
LibComponentLogging-NSLog | 同上 | https://github.com/aharren/LibComponentLogging-NSLogger |
libjingle | Google Talk Voice and P2P Interoperability Library | https://code.google.com/p/libjingle/ |
libjpeg-turbo | jpeg加速编码解码库 | http://libjpeg-turbo.virtualgl.org/ |
libjpeg | jpeg库 | http://libjpeg.sourceforge.net/ |
libPhoneNumber-iOS | 标准化电话号码库 | https://github.com/me2day/libPhoneNumber-iOS |
libphonenumber | google的电话号码处理库 | https://code.google.com/p/libphonenumber/ |
libsrtp | 开源的SRTP(Secure Real-time Transport Protocol) | http://srtp.sourceforge.net/srtp.html |
libvpx | 开源的VP8编解码器 | http://www.webmproject.org/code/ |
libyuv | 实现各种YUV,RGB色彩之间的转换、旋转、缩放 | https://code.google.com/p/libyuv/ |
llvm | 这个还用说么.. | http://llvm.org/ |
MAZeroingWeakRef | 智能指针 | https://github.com/mikeash/MAZeroingWeakRef |
minizip | 如其名 | https://github.com/nmoinvaz/minizip |
mixpanel-iPhone | tracking library for Mixpanel Analytics | https://github.com/mixpanel/mixpanel-iphone/ |
mosquitto | 一个实现了MQTT3.1协议的代理服务器 | http://mosquitto.org/ |
MessagePack | 一个类似于JSON的东西 | http://msgpack.org/ |
MessagePack Objective C implement | MessagePack OC 实现 | https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-objectivec |
msinttypes | 用vs编译c99项目所缺失的头文件 | https://code.google.com/p/msinttypes/ |
OpenCV Tutorials | 如其名 | http://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/tutorials.html |
nimbus | 著名的framework | http://nimbuskit.info/ |
NJKWebViewProgress | 没有用私有API的WebView进度条 | https://github.com/ninjinkun/NJKWebViewProgress |
unmodified objc4 | ??? | |
ObjQREncoder | 二维码生成 | https://github.com/jverkoey/ObjQREncoder |
OCHamcrest | 测试 | https://github.com/hamcrest/OCHamcrest |
OCMock | mock不用多说吧? | http://ocmock.org/ |
OCPDFGen | iOS HTML to PDF | https://github.com/ocrickard/OCPDFGen |
OmniGroup OmniUI | OmniGroup的一个组件 | https://github.com/omnigroup/OmniGroup |
OpenSSL | 不用说了吧 | https://www.openssl.org/ |
OpenUDID | 这也不用说了吧 | https://github.com/ylechelle/OpenUDID |
opus | 传输互动的视频和音频的开源免专利费音频编解码器 | www.opus-codec.org/ |
peertalk | iOS and OS X Cocoa library for communicating over USB and TCP | https://github.com/rsms/peertalk |
PhotoScroller | 苹果在wwdc的scrollview demo | https://github.com/robertwalker/PhotoScroller |
PHP | … | |
PLCrashReporter | 崩溃收集 | https://www.plcrashreporter.org/ |
pmtk3 | 机器学习工具包,高大上! | https://pmtk3.googlecode.com/ |
Pocket-ObjC-SDK | Pocket的SDK | https://github.com/Pocket/Pocket-ObjC-SDK |
portaudio | 跨平台的开源音频I/O库 | http://www.portaudio.com/ |
protobuf | Google 数据交换格式 类似于JSON | https://code.google.com/p/protobuf/ |
PSTCollectionView | UICollectionView的低版本替代品 | https://github.com/steipete/PSTCollectionView |
QSUtilities | 又是一个代码库 | https://github.com/mikeho/QSUtilities/ |
RestKit | 更好的支持 RESTful web service | https://github.com/RestKit/RestKit |
Ring Buffer Utility | 不明真相 | http://docs.nscl.msu.edu/daq/11.0/x123.html |
SDURLCache | 让URLCache支持本地缓存 | https://github.com/rs/SDURLCache |
SDWebImage | 异步图片加载、缓存 | https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage |
SOCKit | String <–> Object Coding for Objective-C | https://github.com/jverkoey/sockit |
SPDY-for-iPhone | iOS SPDY协议 | https://github.com/sorced-jim/SPDY-for-iPhone |
spdylay | c语言的spdy实验性扩展 | https://github.com/tatsuhiro-t/spdylay |
spreadsort | 一个相对于快排更好的排序算法 | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spreadsort |
ssziparchive | zip/unzip封装 | https://github.com/soffes/ssziparchive |
TDOauth | 如其名 | https://github.com/tweetdeck/TDOAuth |
tiqr | qq微信的二维码扫描登录 | https://tiqr.org/ |
UAModalPanel | 类似新浪微博的那个oauth的弹框 | https://github.com/UrbanApps/UAModalPanel |
webkit | 这个不用说了吧 | |
webp | 一种Google的图片格式 | https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/?hl=zh-CN |
webrtc | Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via simple JavaScript API | http://www.webrtc.org/ |
WebViewJavascriptBridge | JS OC互调 | https://github.com/marcuswestin/WebViewJavascriptBridge |
XMLReader | 如其名 | https://github.com/amarcadet/XMLReader |
yaml-cpp | 如其名 YAML的CPP解析器 | https://code.google.com/p/yaml-cpp/ |
yasm | 一个完全重写的NASM汇编 | http://yasm.tortall.net/ |
zlib | 大伙儿都知道的压缩解压库 | www.zlib.net/ |
zxing | 二维码识别库 | https://github.com/zxing/zxing |