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How to write a software requirements specification


by Robert Japenga



What Makes a Great Software Requirements Specification?


There are many good definitions of System and Software Requirements Specifications that will provide us a good basis upon which we can both define a great specification and help us identify deficiencies in our past efforts. There is also a lot of great stuff on the web about writing good specifications. The problem is not lack of knowledge about how to create a correctly formatted specification or even what should go into the specification. The problem is that we don't follow the definitions out there.


We have to keep in mind that the goal is not to create great specifications but to create great products and great software. Can you create a great product without a great specification? Absolutely! You can also make your first million through the lottery but why take your chances? Systems and software these days are so complex that to embark on the design before knowing what you are going to build is foolish and risky.


The IEEE (www.ieee.org) is an excellent source for definitions of System and Software Specifications. As designers of real-time, embedded system software, we use IEEE STD 830-1998 as the basis for all of our Software Specifications unless specifically requested by our clients. Essential to having a great Software Specification is having a great System Specification. The equivalent IEEE standard for that is IEEE STD 1233-1998. However, for most purposes in smaller systems, the same templates can be used for both.

IEEE(www.ieee.org) 提供了系统和软件规格书相关的一些信息。作为实时嵌入式系统软件的设计者,我们使用 IEEE STD 830-1998作为我们的软件规格书的基础,除非客户提出了特殊的需求。优秀的软件规格书的前提是优秀的系统规格书,相应的标准是IEEE STD 1233-1998。然而,对于小型的系统,系统规格书和软件规格书可以采用相同的模板。








