1. 当tomcat停止时而且尚未达到运行周期时将剩余数据写回
2. 必须显式关闭数据库连接,因为线程的运行不受Filter控制,无法自动关闭连接,如果不关闭会导致连接泄漏
具体使用方法请看 main 函数
package net.oschina.service; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * 访问统计服务 * @author Winter Lau * @date 2011-1-6 下午03:49:40 */ public class VisitStatService extends TimerTask { private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(VisitStatService.class); private static boolean start = false; private static VisitStatService daemon; private static Timer click_timer; private final static long INTERVAL = 60 * 1000; /** * 支持统计的对象类型 */ private final static byte[] TYPES = new byte[]{ 0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05 }; //内存队列 private final static ConcurrentHashMap<Byte, ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Integer>> queues = new ConcurrentHashMap<Byte, ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Integer>>(){{ for(byte type : TYPES) put(type, new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Integer>()); }}; /** * 记录访问统计 * @param type * @param obj_id */ public static void record(byte type, long obj_id) { ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Integer> queue = queues.get(type); if(queue != null){ Integer nCount = queue.get(obj_id); nCount = (nCount==null)?1:nCount+1; queue.put(obj_id, nCount.intValue()); System.out.printf("record (type=%d,id=%d,count=%d)\n",type,obj_id,nCount); } } /** * 启动统计数据写入定时器 * @param ctx */ public static void start() { if(!start){ daemon = new VisitStatService(); click_timer = new Timer("VisitStatService", true); click_timer.schedule(daemon, INTERVAL, INTERVAL);//运行间隔1分钟 start = true; } log.info("VisitStatService started."); } /** * 释放Service */ public static void destroy(){ if(start){ click_timer.cancel(); start = false; } log.info("VisitStatService stopped."); } @Override public void run() { for(byte type : TYPES){ ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Integer> queue = queues.remove(type); queues.put(type, new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Integer>()); try{ _flush(type, queue); }catch(Throwable t){ log.fatal("Failed to flush click stat data.", t); //此处发送异常报告 }finally{ //此处关闭数据库连接 } } } @Override public boolean cancel() { boolean b = super.cancel(); //写回剩余数据,Tomcat停止时不会丢失数据 this.run(); return b; } /** * 写访问统计数据到数据库 * @param type * @param queue */ private void _flush(byte type, ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Integer> queue){ if(queue.size()==0) return ; switch(type){ //数据写入数据库.... } System.out.printf("Flush to database: type=%d\n", type); } /** * 测试 * @param args * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { start(); for(int i=0;i<10;i++) new Timer("OfferTask_"+(i+1), false).schedule( new TimerTask(){ private Random rnd = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); @Override public void run() { record(TYPES[rnd.nextInt(TYPES.length)],rnd.nextInt(10)); } }, 0, 1000 ); } }