


Hierarchy organized pages
Runs on Heroku
Extremely easy theming
Multilanguage frontend and backend (actually English, Italian and German)
Different and independent pages for each language
Editing both from backend and directly from frontend
Blogging features with articles and comments
User roles
Reserved pages and articles
Pretty urls and other seo-friendly features
Drop-in themes
Drop-in snippets plugins (using Rails Cells)
Rails mountable engines support for heavy modification plugins
Backend heavily based on drag & drop
Built with Ruby on Rails
Ruby 1.9.3, 1.9.2 or 1.8.7
Rails 3.2.1
MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite
Some gems - check Gemfile
We really suggest the use of Ruby RVM and Ruby 1.9.2

run rvm install ruby-1.9.2-p290 run rvm use ruby-1.9.2-p290 run rvm gemset create "railsyard" run git clone https://github.com/cantierecreativo/railsyardcms.git run cd railsyardcms run gem install bundler run bundle install edit config/database.yml according to your configuration run rake ry:init run rake ry:example to load some example pages

然后 rails server一下


Admin interface is on yoursite.tld/admin Username: [email protected] Password: changeme
