
 类别                                                                                             描述                                                                 支持软件数量
Educational Software, CBT                         Educational tools, Computer Based Training                            45  
Games                                                                                     Games                                                                     700  
Multimedia                                                                 Graphics, Audio and Video                                                294  
Networking & Communication                 Network, Internet related programs and comm stuff                  291  
Productivity                                                                  Productivity applications                                                    254  
Programming / Software Engineering       Languages, Compilers, IDEs, CASE tools etc.                         76  
Reference/Documentation/Info               Encyclopedias, information resources, data tracking, ...            101  
Scientific/Technical/Math                                 Scientific and mathematic applications                                  184  
Special Purpose                                    Very special programs that whole businesses might rely on          51  
Utilities                                                                                Misc. Utilities                                                                  119

Application Name               
1. Guild Wars                                                                   2. StarCraft                                                         3. Steam         
4. Half-Life 2                                                                     5. Warhammer 40,000 Dawn Of War            6. Civilization III                     
7. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind                               8. Half-Life                                                           9. Icewind Dale                         
10. Medal of Honor: Allied Assult                                 11. The Sims 2                                                  12. Final Fantasy 7         
13. Alpha Centauri                                                          14. Fallout 2                                                        15. Battlefield 1942               
16. EVE Online                                                                 17. MapleStory                                                   18. Diablo         
19. Balls of Steel                                                              20. Hearts of Iron 2                                            21. System Shock 2           
22. Dungeon Siege                                                         23. Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2     24. Powerslide                         
25. Call of Duty                                                                 26. Continuum                                                    27. World Of Warcraft           
28. Wizardry 8                                                                   29. Flanker                                                          30. Football Manager 2005                         
31. Wing Commander 4                                                 32. Age of Empires 2                                        33. Darkened Skye                 
34. PartyPoker Client                                                      35. Diablo II                                                         36. SimpleMU
37. PokerStars Client                                                     38. Gore - The Ultimate Soldier                       39. Populous: the beginning
40. Orbiter                                                                         41. Age of Mythology                                          42. Age of Empires 1/Rise of Rome           
43. Command and Conquer Windows 95 Edition   44. The Longest Journey                                  45. Doom III     
46. Caesar 3                                                                    47. Jane's FA-18                                                 48. Wing Commander Kilrathi Saga     
49. Thief                                                                            50. Final Fantasy 8                                             51. Star Trek - Armada 2         
52. Thief 2                                                                         53. Bejeweled                                                     54. Grim Fandango         
55. Myst                                                                              56. Falcon 4.0                                                     57. Tibia           
58. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos                                    59. Roller Coaster Tycoon   
1. Editstudio     2. Dragon Naturally Speaking         3. DVD Shrink
4. Premiere      5. After Effects                                      6. Live   

1. Trillian           2. Internet Explorer           3. MSN Messenger Service             
4. LC4                5. paltalk                            6. PC Suite   
7、QQ2005 beta2

1. Microsoft Office               2. Dreamweaver                               3. Flash           
4. TextPad                            5. Microsoft Money                            6. BugCollector Pro                   
7. Word                                 8. WordPerfect                                   9. FrameMaker                         
10. Access                          11. Copernic agent professional    12. Quicken

1. Visual C++   2. Visual Studio .NET     3. Visual SourceSafe       
4. Delphi           5. Visual FoxPro              6. Source Insight            
7. MPLAB IDE      

1. OED2 Oxford English Dictionary on CDROM           2. Watchtower Library           3. MapSource                         
4. e-Sword                                                                           5. Personal Ancestral File (PAF)     

1. AutoCAD       2. SolidWorks       3. PolyGIS       
4. Electronics Workbench   

1. Rosetta Stone

1. Google Earth      2. Polar Precision Performance         3. Isobuster     
4. EnZip
