M$ 也加入 Ruby 這個大戰場了嗎?

InfoWorld 上面有消息指出,M$ 對 Ruby 這個程式語言非常有興趣,並且對於支援 Ruby 有很多想法。 Microsoft is "very interested" in the Ruby programming language

"We are very interested in Ruby and have lots of thinking going on," but nothing to announce at this time, Key said. He advised chatters to "stay tuned."
不過在這個階段是屬於一些想法的階段,其他的還無可奉告。放話歸放話, M$ 到底要以什麼樣的形式加入 Ruby on Rails 戰場呢?我的看法是
  1. 強力主導開發 RubyCLR
  2. 官方的 Visual Stdio .NET Ruby支援
  3. 幫忙加強Ruby on Rails 的 SQL Server 支援
如此 Ruby 在 Windows 上面的情況就不是那麼肉腳了。

以下是本報導跟 Ruby 有關的原文

During an Internet chat with InfoWorld, Forest Key, Microsoft director of Web and client user experience marketing for the company's developer division, acknowledged Ruby is on the company's radar screen. Asked if the company would accommodate the Ruby on Rails Web framework, which is based on Ruby, in Expression, Key said, "Ruby is currently more of a 'developer' concept for us."

"We are very interested in Ruby and have lots of thinking going on," but nothing to announce at this time, Key said. He advised chatters to "stay tuned."

Key added he was not the Microsoft person to comment in detail on this subject because he did not know the company’s plans. One chatter expressed wishes for an IDE for Ruby on Rails from Microsoft.

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