UNCHAR3 ** CContourJudge::ImgInterp(int k, float imgfactor, float mode,UNCHAR3 **resimg)
int i,j;
int pos;
//UNCHAR3 ** reimg;
long x,y;
long newimgw,newimgh;
float xScale, yScale, fX, fY;
MYVOXEL voxnode;
CMyPoint tmpt,rgb1,rgb2,rgb3,rgb4,test;
newimgw = (long)(pDoc->xdim * imgfactor);
newimgh = (long)(pDoc->ydim * imgfactor);
xScale = (float)(pDoc->xdim) / (float)newimgw;
yScale = (float)(pDoc->ydim) / (float)newimgh;
for(i=0; i<newimgh; i++)
for(j=0; j<newimgw; j++)
resimg[i][j][0] = 0;
resimg[i][j][1] = 0;
resimg[i][j][2] = 0;
//CContourListProc m_cclistobj;
case 1: //nearest neighbour
for(y=0; y<newimgh; y++)
fY = y * yScale;
for(x=0; x<newimgw; x++)
fX = x * xScale;
test.x = (double)fX;
test.y = (double)fY;
test.z = (double)k;
float LayHeight= (float)pDoc->layerthickness*k+pDoc->minz;
pos = pDoc->CompPos((long)fX,(long)fY,k);
voxnode = pDoc->myvoxarray[pos];
if(voxnode.flag != 255)
resimg[y][x][0] = (unsigned char) (255 * voxnode.matvalue[0]);
resimg[y][x][1] = (unsigned char) (255 * voxnode.matvalue[1]);
resimg[y][x][2] = (unsigned char) (255 * voxnode.matvalue[2]);
resimg[y][x][0] = 0;
resimg[y][x][1] = 0;
resimg[y][x][2] = 0;
case 2: // bicubic interpolation by Blake L. Carlson <blake-carlson(at)uiowa(dot)edu
float f_x, f_y, a, b, rr, gg, bb, r1, r2;
int i_x, i_y, xx, yy;
for(y=0; y<newimgh; y++)
f_y = (float) y * yScale;
i_y = (int) floor(f_y);
a = f_y - (float)floor(f_y);
for(x=0; x<newimgw; x++)
f_x = (float) x * xScale;
i_x = (int) floor(f_x);
b = f_x - (float)floor(f_x);
rr = gg = bb = 0.0F ;
for(int m=-1; m<3; m++)
r1 = b3spline((float) m - a);
for(int n=-1; n<3; n++)
r2 = b3spline( -1.0F *((float)n - b));
xx = i_x+n+2;
yy = i_y+m+2;
if (xx<0) xx=0;
if (yy<0) yy=0;
if (xx>=pDoc->xdim) xx=pDoc->xdim - 1;
if (yy>=pDoc->ydim) yy=pDoc->ydim - 1;
pos = pDoc->CompPos(xx,yy,k);
voxnode = pDoc->myvoxarray[pos];
if(voxnode.flag != 255)
tmpt.x = (unsigned char) (255 * voxnode.matvalue[0]);
tmpt.y = (unsigned char) (255 * voxnode.matvalue[1]);
tmpt.z = (unsigned char) (255 * voxnode.matvalue[2]);
rr += (float)tmpt.x * r1 * r2;
gg += (float)tmpt.y * r1 * r2;
bb += (float)tmpt.z * r1 * r2;
resimg[y][x][0] = (unsigned char) rr;
resimg[y][x][1] = (unsigned char) gg;
resimg[y][x][2] = (unsigned char) bb;
default: //bilinear interpolation
long ifX, ifY, ifX1, ifY1, xmax, ymax;
float ir1, ir2, ig1, ig2, ib1, ib2, dx, dy;
BYTE r,g,b;
xmax = pDoc->xdim-1;
ymax = pDoc->ydim-1;
for(y=0; y<newimgh-1; y++){
fY = y * yScale;
ifY = (int)fY;
ifY1 = min(ymax, ifY+1);
dy = fY - ifY;
for(x=0; x<newimgw-1; x++){
fX = x * xScale;
ifX = (int)fX;
ifX1 = min(xmax, ifX+1);
dx = fX - ifX;
// Interpolate using the four nearest pixels in the source
pos = pDoc->CompPos(ifX1,ifY1,k);
voxnode = pDoc->myvoxarray[pos];
rgb1.x = (unsigned char) (255 * voxnode.matvalue[0]);
rgb1.y = (unsigned char) (255 * voxnode.matvalue[1]);
rgb1.z = (unsigned char) (255 * voxnode.matvalue[2]);
pos = pDoc->CompPos(ifX1+1,ifY1,k);
voxnode = pDoc->myvoxarray[pos];
rgb2.x = (unsigned char) (255 * voxnode.matvalue[0]);
rgb2.y = (unsigned char) (255 * voxnode.matvalue[1]);
rgb2.z = (unsigned char) (255 * voxnode.matvalue[2]);
pos = pDoc->CompPos(ifX1,ifY1+1,k);
voxnode = pDoc->myvoxarray[pos];
rgb3.x = (unsigned char) (255 * voxnode.matvalue[0]);
rgb3.y = (unsigned char) (255 * voxnode.matvalue[1]);
rgb3.z = (unsigned char) (255 * voxnode.matvalue[2]);
pos = pDoc->CompPos(ifX1+1,ifY1+1,k);
voxnode = pDoc->myvoxarray[pos];
rgb4.x = (unsigned char) (255 * voxnode.matvalue[0]);
rgb4.y = (unsigned char) (255 * voxnode.matvalue[1]);
rgb4.z = (unsigned char) (255 * voxnode.matvalue[2]);
// Interplate in x direction:
ir1 = (float)rgb1.x * (1 - dy) + (float)rgb3.x * dy;
ig1 = (float)rgb1.y * (1 - dy) + (float)rgb3.y * dy;
ib1 = (float)rgb1.z * (1 - dy) + (float)rgb3.z * dy;
ir2 = (float)rgb2.x * (1 - dy) + (float)rgb4.x * dy;
ig2 = (float)rgb2.y * (1 - dy) + (float)rgb4.y * dy;
ib2 = (float)rgb2.z * (1 - dy) + (float)rgb4.z * dy;
// Interpolate in y:
r = (BYTE)(ir1 * (1 - dx) + ir2 * dx);
g = (BYTE)(ig1 * (1 - dx) + ig2 * dx);
b = (BYTE)(ib1 * (1 - dx) + ib2 * dx);
// Set output
resimg[y][x][0] = r;
resimg[y][x][1] = g;
resimg[y][x][2] = b;
return resimg;