

#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winioctl.h>

BOOL GetDriveGeometry(DISK_GEOMETRY *pdg)
	HANDLE hDevice;               // handle to the drive to be examined 
	BOOL bResult;                 // results flag
	DWORD junk;                   // discard results
	hDevice = CreateFile("\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive0", // drive to open
		0,       // don't need any access to the drive
		NULL,    // default security attributes
		OPEN_EXISTING,  // disposition
		0,       // file attributes
		NULL);   // don't copy any file's attributes
	if (hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) // we can't open the drive
		return (FALSE);
	bResult = DeviceIoControl(hDevice,  // device we are querying
		IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY,  // operation to perform
		NULL, 0,						// no input buffer, so pass zero
		pdg, sizeof(*pdg),				// output buffer
		&junk,							// discard count of bytes returned
		(LPOVERLAPPED) NULL);			// synchronous I/O
	CloseHandle(hDevice);				// we're done with the handle
	return (bResult);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	DISK_GEOMETRY pdg;					// disk drive geometry structure
	BOOL bResult;						// generic results flag
	ULONGLONG DiskSize;					// size of the drive, in bytes
	bResult = GetDriveGeometry (&pdg);
	if (bResult) 
		printf("Cylinders = %I64d\n", pdg.Cylinders);							// 柱面
		printf("Tracks per cylinder = %ld\n", (ULONG) pdg.TracksPerCylinder);	// 磁道/柱面
		printf("Sectors per track = %ld\n", (ULONG) pdg.SectorsPerTrack);		// 扇区/磁道
		printf("Bytes per sector = %ld\n", (ULONG) pdg.BytesPerSector);			// Bytes/扇区
		DiskSize = pdg.Cylinders.QuadPart * (ULONG)pdg.TracksPerCylinder * (ULONG)pdg.SectorsPerTrack * (ULONG)pdg.BytesPerSector;
		printf("Disk size = %I64d (Bytes) = %I64d (MB)\n", DiskSize, DiskSize / (1024 * 1024));
		printf ("Attempt to get drive geometry failed. Error %ld.\n", GetLastError ());
	return ((int)bResult);


Cylinders = 60801
Tracks per cylinder = 255
Sectors per track = 63
Bytes per sector = 512
Disk size = 500105249280 (Bytes) = 476937 (MB)
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