配置firewire or IEEE1394摄像机环境

.. Optional: Setting up Firewire and libdc1394/libraw1394

1 方案

1.1. Installation of libdc1394/libraw1394
The two libraries libdc1394 and libraw1394 can also be installed with a package tool. For instance, under Debian Linux, the libraries are installed with:
apt-get install libraw1394 and apt-get install libdc1394.

1.2. Installing a firewire camera
In order to use a firewire camera under Linux, the four kernel modules named raw1394, video1394, ohci1394 and ieee1394 must be loaded. This is accomplished under Debian Linux using the command modprobe. modprobe raw1394 and modprobe video1394 are sufficient to activate all four modules. With the command lsmod | grep 1394, it can be checked whether the four modules have been successfully loaded. This command should list the above mentioned four modules. If this should not be the case, try to add each module individually with the command modprobe.
In order to allow a user or an application to access the interface to the camera, the user has to be registered in the appropriate groups (usually video) of the devices /dev/raw1394 and /dev/video1394, or the user privileges of the devices must be set appropriately. For this, root privileges are necessary.



