
Meir Bar-Tal 在这篇文章中提到自动化测试项目应该与开发项目一样看待:



因为自动化开发者通常面临更多的挑战是AUT(Application Under Test)开发者所不能感受的。

If so, then an automation project should be treated and managed as any other development project and, in fact, even more so. This is because the automation developer faces challenges that are usually not felt by the developers of the AUT . Some of the main challenges are the following:

  1. First, the automation developer must have an overall view of the AUT, as the automation scripts may cover a large part of the AUT’s main functionality. Members of the AUT’s development team do not necessarily need this, as the division of labor among the different teams is typically coordinated by the team leaders and a project manager. So a developer can focus on the part assigned to him and do it well even without having in depth knowledge of the whole system. (自动化开发者必须对AUT有一个全局的把握,因为自动化脚本需要覆盖AUT的大部分主要功能。
  2. Second, the automation scripts should be mapped to the test design, as they should emulate the steps done by a human tester. But, quite often, automation developers find out that the test design leaves many open issues that need to be resolved beforehand, as the automation scripts do not possess the flexibility and ingenuity of a human tester during runtime. (自动化脚本应该遵循测试设计,模拟手工的测试步骤。但是这个过程往往不那么顺利,有很多问题需要解决,并不是把手工的每个测试步骤一一转换成一行行脚本那么简单。
  3. Third, the GUI controls used by the development team, and also the AUT’s behavior may pose a real technological challenge regarding the identification of the objects by QTP (or other tools). Many times solutions that extend the basic capacities of the tools are required, as is the case with third-party and custom controls.(开发组所采用的GUI控件,以及AUT的行为可能给QTP或其他测试工具带来很多对象识别技术上的挑战。


