
Red5 和 Flex/Flash的数据映射与RemoteObject 有点不同.


Flash/Flex Java
Number any of the Java numeric types
int/uint * any of the non-floating point Java numeric types
String String
Boolean Boolean/boolean
Array List
Object org.red5.io.utils.ObjectMap
Date java.util.Date
XML org.w3c.dom.Document
ByteArray * org.red5.io.amf3.ByteArray
IExternalizable * org.red5.io.amf3.IExternalizable
ArrayCollection * org.red5.compatibility.flex.messaging.io.ArrayCollection
ObjectProxy * org.red5.compatibility.flex.messaging.io.ObjectProxy
Null null
custom class ** custom class
  Please note that Red5 performs automatic parameter conversion, e.g. if you pass a number to a method that takes a String as parameter, it is automatically converted.
Java Flash/Flex
any of the Java numeric types Number
any of the non-floating point Java numeric types int/uint *
String String
boolean/Boolean Boolean
List/Set Array
Map Array or Object, depends on the Map contents
any objects Object
org.red5.io.utils.ObjectMap Object
java.util.Date Date
org.w3c.dom.Document XML
org.red5.io.amf3.ByteArray ByteArray *
org.red5.io.amf3.IExternalizable IExternalizable *
org.red5.compatibility.flex.messaging.io.ArrayCollection ArrayCollection *
org.red5.compatibility.flex.messaging.io.ObjectProxy ObjectProxy *
null Null
custom class custom class **

  * = Only available in Flash Player 9 or newer (AMF3) ** = You can map the class to serialize to in Red5 by adding "[RemoteClass(alias="package.to.RemoteClass")]" above your Flex class definition.

