scel2mmseg.py: 将.scel文件转换为mmseg格式的.txt文件
使用方法: python scel2mmseg.py a.scel a.txt
批量转换方法:python scel2mmseg.py scel文件目录 a.txt
说明:新增加的所有词的词频都为1,对于格式的解释如下:[摘自 http://jjw.in/server/226 ]
mergedict.py: 将mmseg的多个.txt文件合并为一个.txt
使用方法: python mergedict.py unigram.txt b.txt c.txt new.txt
说明: .txt可以使mmseg格式的,也可以是每行一个词的格式(这样词频默认为1)
import struct import os, sys, glob def read_utf16_str (f, offset=-1, len=2): if offset >= 0: f.seek(offset) str = f.read(len) return str.decode('UTF-16LE') def read_uint16 (f): return struct.unpack ('<H', f.read(2))[0] def get_word_from_sogou_cell_dict (fname): f = open (fname, 'rb') file_size = os.path.getsize (fname) hz_offset = 0 mask = struct.unpack ('B', f.read(128)[4])[0] if mask == 0x44: hz_offset = 0x2628 elif mask == 0x45: hz_offset = 0x26c4 else: sys.exit(1) title = read_utf16_str (f, 0x130, 0x338 - 0x130) type = read_utf16_str (f, 0x338, 0x540 - 0x338) desc = read_utf16_str (f, 0x540, 0xd40 - 0x540) samples = read_utf16_str (f, 0xd40, 0x1540 - 0xd40) py_map = {} f.seek(0x1540+4) while 1: py_code = read_uint16 (f) py_len = read_uint16 (f) py_str = read_utf16_str (f, -1, py_len) if py_code not in py_map: py_map[py_code] = py_str if py_str == 'zuo': break f.seek(hz_offset) while f.tell() != file_size: word_count = read_uint16 (f) pinyin_count = read_uint16 (f) / 2 py_set = [] for i in range(pinyin_count): py_id = read_uint16(f) py_set.append(py_map[py_id]) py_str = "'".join (py_set) for i in range(word_count): word_len = read_uint16(f) word_str = read_utf16_str (f, -1, word_len) f.read(12) yield py_str, word_str f.close() def showtxt (records): for (pystr, utf8str) in records: print len(utf8str), utf8str def store(records, f): for (pystr, utf8str) in records: f.write("%s\t1\n" %(utf8str.encode("utf8"))) f.write("x:1\n") def main (): if len (sys.argv) != 3: print "Unknown Option \n usage: python %s file.scel new.txt" %(sys.argv[0]) exit (1) #Specify the param of scel path as a directory, you can place many scel file in this dirctory, the this process will combine the result in one txt file if os.path.isdir(sys.argv[1]): for fileName in glob.glob(sys.argv[1] + '*.scel'): print fileName generator = get_word_from_sogou_cell_dict(fileName) with open(sys.argv[2], "a") as f: store(generator, f) else: generator = get_word_from_sogou_cell_dict (sys.argv[1]) with open(sys.argv[2], "w") as f: store(generator, f) #showtxt(generator) if __name__ == "__main__": main()