


关于.data的内存回收问题,网上是有很多这个问题的内存泄露的文章,在jquery forum的http://forum.jquery.com/topic/data-object-and-memory-leak中有这样一段话:

the current $.data implementation is optimized for host objects only, and not for native objects too.
In fact, it uses a cache object to store all related data and an expando with numerical values to keep references.
The need of such solution is unquestionable and it fits well because elements are normally "eliminated" by using .remove() that also cleans respective data. Native objects, in other hand, are not "eliminated" with such call, and related data exists until the window is closed.

Of course, this problem also exists with the event API, that uses data API to store handlers...



    var expando = "jQuery" + (new Date).getTime(), 
        hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, 
        _data = $.data, 
        _removeData = $.removeData; 
    $.data = function( obj, name, data ) { 
        if ( obj.nodeType ) { 
            return _data( obj, name, data ); 
        var thisCache, hasCache = hasOwnProperty.call( obj, expando ); 
        if ( !hasCache && typeof name === "string" && data === undefined ) { 
            return undefined; 
        if ( typeof name === "object" ) { 
            obj[ expando ] = $.extend(true, {}, name); 
       } else if ( !hasCache ) { 
            obj[ expando ] = {}; 
        thisCache = obj[ expando ]; 
        if ( typeof name === "string" ) { 
            if ( data !== undefined ) { 
                thisCache[ name ] = data; 
            return thisCache[ name ]; 
        return thisCache; 
    $.removeData = function( obj, name ) { 
        if ( obj.nodeType ) { 
            return _removeData( obj, name ); 
        if ( name ) { 
            if ( hasOwnProperty.call( obj, expando ) ) { 
                delete obj[ expando ][ name ]; 
                if ( $.isEmptyObject( obj[expando] ) ) { 
                    delete obj[ expando ]; 
        } else { 
            delete obj[ expando ]; 

可是一个有趣的问题出现了,在http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3367510上在250天前说:don't use the jquery .data() method,use .attr() instead。我奇了怪了,继续往下看,原来这是一个bug,我试验了一下其中的例子,也没发现什么奇怪的东西出现。在http://jsfiddle.net/4bd23/上实验,果然有问题,在自己的浏览器上测试也有问题。还发现.data()还可以使用<div id="foo" data-myinline="1.410"></div>​这样的方式来设值,用foo.data('myinline')就可以获得值了。

