Apache CXF软件架构指南-中文

本文档提供了一个架构的概述Apache CXF服务框架

Table of Contents

  • Apache CXF Software Architecture Guide
    • Table of Contents
    • Architectural Goals and Constraints
    • CXF-API
      • Bus
      • How service calls are processed
      • Front-ends
      • Messaging & Interceptors
      • The Service Model
      • Data Bindings
      • Protocol Bindings
      • Transports
      • A JAX-WS example
    • Dependencies
    • Quality
      • References

Architectural Goals and Constraints(架构目标和约束)

The Apache CXF services framework seeks to build the necessary infrastructure components for services. Goals for CXF are many and include:
Apache CXF服务框架试图建立必要的基础设施组件的服务。目标为CXF很多,包括:
  • Embeddable
  • High performance
  • Easy configuration
  • Intuitive and easy to use
  • Clean separation of front-ends from the core code
  • Data formats support
  • Data bindings support
  • Protocol bindings support
  • Multiple transports support
  • Multiple Programming Languages Support
  • WS-* and related specifications support
  • Tools for code generation and WSDL validation
  • Flexible deployment
        WS - *和相关规范的支持


The overall CXF architecture is primarily made up of the following parts:
  1. Bus: Contains a registry of extensions, interceptors and Properties
  2. Front-end: Front-ends provide a programming model to create services.
  3. Messaging & Interceptors: These provide the low level message and pipeline layer upon which most functionality is built.
  4. Service Model: Services host a Service model which is a WSDL-like model that describes the service.
  5. Pluggable Data Bindings: ...
  6. Protocol Bindings: Bindings provide the functionality to interpret the protocol.
  7. Transports: Transportfactory creates Destinations (Receiving) and Conduits (Sending)
  1. 总线:包含一个注册表的扩展,拦截器和属性
  2. 前端:前端提供一种编程模型来创建服务。
  3. 消息传递和拦截器:这些提供低水平信息和管道层在大多数功能是建立。
  4. 服务模式:服务主机服务模型,这是一个wsdl喜欢模型,该模型描述服务。
  5. 可插入的数据绑定:……
  6. 协议绑定:绑定提供功能来解释协议。
  7. 传输:Transportfactory创建目的地(接收)和管道(发送)
In the upcoming sections, we'll take a look at each layer in turn and examine how they work together.  


The bus, being CXF's backbone, is a provider of shared resources to the CXF runtime. Examples for such shared resources include WSDL managers and binding factory managers. The bus can easily be extended to include your own custom resources or services, or you can replace default resources like the HTTP destination factory (based on Jetty) with your own (possibly based on another web container such as Apache Tomcat).
这个总线,是CXF的脊梁,是一个运行时提供共享资源来CXF应用。例子包括WSDL等共享资源管理者和绑定工厂管理。总线可以很容易地进行扩展,以包括您自己的自定义的资源或服务,或者你可以替换默认的资源(如HTTP描述工厂(基于Jetty)与您自己的(可能是基于另一个web容器如Apache Tomcat)集成。

This extensibility is made possible by dependency injection; the default bus implemenation is based on  Spring Framework, which wires the runtime components together for you.

这个扩展是通过依赖注入运行的;总线实现基于Spring框架进行开发,which wires the runtime components together for you.

The SpringBusFactory searches for all bean configuration files in the META-INF/cxf directories on your classpath, and builds an application context from them. The bean configuration files included in the application context construction are:

所有的bean的配置文件在这个/ CXF目录在你的类路径中的springbusfactory搜索,并建立一个应用程序上下文bean配置文件包含在应用程序环境的建设

  • META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml (e.g., in cxf-rt-core only)
  • META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension.xml (e.g. in cxf-rt-bindings-soap)
  • META-INF/cxf/cxf-property-editors.xml (e.g. in cxf-rt-transports-http)
See  Configuration of the Bus for an example of how to customize the bus by supplying your own bean configuration file and  Configuration of Runtime Constructed Objects for more information on the special case of injecting into objects created by the runtime (as opposed to objects created by the IoC container itself).

How service calls are processed




Front-ends provide a programming model to interact with CXF. JAX-WS, JAX-RS, Simple and Javascript front-end APIs are provided by CXF . Each implementation is cleanly separated from the rest of CXF, just like the bindings and the core. Front-ends provide functionality through interceptors that are added to Services and Endpoints. See also Front-ends


Messaging & Interceptors 


CXF is built on a generic messaging layer comprised of Messages, Interceptors, and InterceptorChains. Interceptors are the fundamental unit of functionality. By dividing up how messages are processed and sent, this gives CXF a very flexible architecture. It can be reconfigured at any point in the processing. This also gives CXF the ability to pause & resume interceptor chains.


Interceptors have a method,  handleMessage, which allows them to act on the Message.These Interceptors can then be built up into chains of interceptors, straightforwardly called InterceptorChains. Some examples include:


  • An interceptor which parses just the headers of a SOAP message into DOM elements
  • A WS-Security interceptor which decrypts or authenticates an incoming message.
  • An outgoing data binding interceptor which serializes the result
  • 一个拦截器,解析就头一个SOAP消息到DOM元素
  • 一个ws - security拦截这解密或验证一个传入消息。
  • 一个外向数据绑定拦截这序列化结果

Interceptors are uni-directional and are inherently unaware of whether they are dealing with a request, response, or fault.
拦截导弹 定向 本质上是 不知道 他们是否 正在处理一个 请求 响应 故障

Phase Interceptors

CXF provides an  InterceptorChain implementation called the  PhaseInterceptorChain. When Interceptors are added to the chain, they are grouped into ordered phases.  A  PhaseInterceptor may provide guidance as to how it is to be ordered within the phase.

CXF 提供了一个 interceptorchain实施所谓的phaseinterceptorchain。当拦截器添加到链, 它们被分为 有序相 一个 phaseinterceptor 可能 提供指导如何 可以 下令 在相
Let us take a hypothetical simplified example (NOTE: these phases and interceptors don't necessarily exist in CXF). Let us say we are parsing a SOAP message. We may want to have two phases. First, a dispatch phase which parses the soap headers and determines which service to route the Message to. Second, an unmarshal phase which binds the SOAP body to JAXB objects. In the first dispatch phase we could implement this via two interceptors, first a ReadHeadersInterceptor which parses the headers and second a WS-AddressingInInterceptor which determines which service we're invoking from the WS-Addressing header. In the second unmarshal phase, we have just a single JAXBUnmarshallerIntercptor. Both the ReadHeadersInterceptor and AddressingInInterceptor would tell the PhaseInterceptorChain they are in the "dispatch" phase by returning "dispatch" when getPhase() is called. Additionally, the ReadHeadersInterceptor could specify that it wants to run before the AddressingInInterceptor by returning the interceptor id when Interceptor.getBefore() is called.

让我们做个假设简化的例子(注:这些阶段和拦截器不一定存在于CXF)。让我们说我们是解析SOAP消息。我们可以要两个阶段。首先,一个调度相解析SOAP标头和确定路由邮件服务。第二,分解结合皂体JAXB对象相。在第一个调度相我们可以实现通过两个拦截器,第一个readheadersinterceptor解析头和第二个WS addressingininterceptor确定要调用的服务寻址标头。在第二分解阶段,我们只有一个jaxbunmarshallerintercptor。无论是readheadersinterceptor和addressingininterceptor会告诉phaseinterceptorchain他们在“调度”阶段的“调度”getphase()返回时被称为。此外,该readheadersinterceptor可以指定要运行前的addressingininterceptor返回拦截器拦截getbefore()叫ID

Before it was mentioned how chains were very dynamic and flexible. In our above example, we could add interceptors specific to that service once it is resolved. Or we could pause the chain once while we wait for some external chain, like an asynchronous service response.


Fault Handling    故障处理;

At any point during processing, an interceptor may throw a Fault, or a derivative of a Fault like the SoapFault. This will cause the chain to stop invoking and unwind it. Unwinding consists of calling handleFault on each interceptor that was invoked in reverse order.

在任何点 在加工过程中, 拦截 可能 抛出故障 或衍生 的故障 SoapFault 这将导致 停止 调用和 解开 解除 每个 拦截机, 是在 相反的顺序 调用 调用 handlefault

InterceptorChains have the concept of a fault observer. Once the chain is unwound, the fault interceptor is invoked with the message that caused the fault. The fault observer may trigger a new chain which then invokes a specified set of interceptors meant to handle faults.


exchanges 交换

In addition to the concept of a Message, there is the concept of the Exchange. The exchange class holds a references to the in, out and fault messages for the current message exchange.

It also holds properties specific to the exchange, and not just the message. For instance the Exchange holds the Service that is current being invoked in it.


Reentrant InterceptorChains 折返interceptorchains

An interesting feature of the PhaseInterceptorChain is that it is reentrant. This can be powerful and slightly dangerous. This feature is only used in CXF during the sending of an outgoing message, The SoapOutInterceptor is the best example:


public void handleMessage(Message m) {
  writeSoapBodyStart(); // invoke next interceptor, which writes the contents of the SOAP Body  m.getInterceptorChain().doIntercept(m);


The Service Model  服务模型

The Service model is the representation of a service within CXF. It is made up of two parts. First there is the ServiceInfo which contains a WSDL-like model of the service and its operations, bindings, endpoints and schema. Second, there is the Service itself, which contains the ServiceInfo, data-binding information, service interceptors, service properties and more.


A service can be constructed from many different sources including classes and WSDLs (1.1 or 2.0). Typically front-ends are responsible for creating a service via service factories. Factory components such as ServerFactoryBean and ClientProxyFactoryBean can used with the front-end to create, publish and consume web services. The factory classes build up the service model and configure the service interceptors, data bindings and more.


The Service model itself is contained in the ServiceInfo class. The following image depicts a subset of the Service Model's packaged API:


Data Bindings 数据绑定

Data bindings implement the mapping between XML elements and Java objects. Data bindings convert data to and from XML, produce XML schema, and provide support for wsdl2java code generation. Not all data bindings support all of this functionality. At very least, a data binding must provide the data conversion. See Data Binding Architecture for details. Currently supported data bindings include JAXB 2.x (default), Aegis, Apache XMLBeans, Service Dat Objects (SDO) and JiBX (under development).

数据绑定实现XML元素和Java对象之间的映射。数据绑定的数据转换和XML,产生XML模式,并提供WSDL2Java支持代码生成。不是所有的数据绑定支持所有的这些功能。至少,数据绑定必须提供的数据转换。看到数据绑定结构的细节。目前支持的数据绑定包括JAXB 2。X(默认)Apache XMLBeans,服务数据对象(SDO)和JiBX(开发)。

Protocol Bindings 协议绑定

Bindings provide ways to map concrete formats and protocols on top of transports. A binding contains two main parts, a BindingFactory and a Binding. A BindingFactory builds a Binding from the service model's BindingInfo. The binding contains interceptors specific to the binding and also implements the createMessage() method, which creates a Message implementation specific for that binding.


CXF currently supported the following bindings protocols: SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2, REST/HTTP, pure XML and CORBA. 

CXF 目前支持以下绑定协议: SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2, REST/HTTP ,纯XML 和CORBA

The Soap Binding SOAP绑定

The prototypical binding is SOAP. It has its own Message class called the SoapMessage. It adds the ability to hold the current SoapVersion and the headers for the message.


The Soap binding also adds a special type of interceptor called the SoapInterceptor. The SoapInterceptor adds two methods to the Interceptor class:


Set<URI> getRoles();
Set<QName> getUnderstoodHeaders();

These inform the SOAP interceptors as to what headers and roles the particular SOAP interceptor understands.


It has many interceptors designed to handle SOAP messages:


  1. StaxInInterceptor: Creates an XMLStreamReader from an incoming InputStream
  2. ReadHeadersInterceptor: Reads the headers into the SoapMessage
  3. MustUnderstandInterceptor: Checks the MustUnderstand attributes of all the headers against all the SoapInterceptor's getUnderstoodHeaders method.
  4. SoapOutInterceptor:





Additional Bindings 附加的绑定

Other bindings include REST/HTTP binding, pure XML binding, and the CORBA binding.

其他的绑定包括休息/ HTTP绑定XML绑定和CORBA的结合


CXF includes its own transport abstraction layer to hide transport specific details from the binding and front end layers. Currently supported transports include: HTTP, HTTPs, HTTP-Jetty, HTTP-OSGI, Servlet, local, JMS, In-VM and many others via the Camel transport for CXF such as SMTP/POP3, TCP and Jabber. Learn more about transports here.



Conduits provide the basis for outgoing message sending. A Conduit is created from a ConduitInitiator. Sending a message is a multistep pocess:


  1. Call conduit.prepare(message): this starts the message sending. At this point a Conduit may initiate a connection and set the OutputStream for the outgoing message.
  2. Writing of the actual message to the OutputStream
  3. Call to conduit.close(message): this closes and disposes of any existing resources for the message sending.
    A message sender may also register a MessageObserver with the Conduit. If the Conduit is synchronous, the MessageObserver will be notified once a response has been received.






Destinations are the basis for receiving incoming messages. A destination is created from a DestinationFactory:


DestinationFactoryManager dfManager = bus.getExtension(DestinationFactoryManager.class); // Find a DestinationFactory for the SOAP HTTP transport DestinationFactory df = dfManager.getDestinationFactory("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/http");  // TODO: outline building of EndpointInfo EndpointInfo endpointInfo = ...;
Destination destination = df.getDestination(endpointInfo);
MessageObservers can then be registered with Destinations. These listen for incoming messages:


MessageObserver myObserver = ...;

The most common MessageObserver used in CXF is the ChainInitiationObserver. This takes the incoming message, creates a message Exchange & PhaseInterceptorChain, then starts the chain.


A JAX-WS example JAX-WS的例子

Here's a small example of what might happen when we publish a service via the JAX-WS Endpoint.publish() method.


  1. Call to Endpoint.publish("http://localhost/service", myService)
  2. The EndpointImpl creates a Service from the myService object using the JaxWsServiceFactoryBean using the class and/or WSDL
  3. An EndpointInfo is created for the Endpoint.publish URL
  4. A JaxWsEndpointImpl is created from the EndpointInfo. This contains the JAX-WS endpoint specific interceptors
  5. The JaxWsEndpointImpl creates a Binding and Destination to listen on.

1呼叫端点。出版(“http://localhost /服务”,那么)

2的endpointimpl创建一个服务使用jaxwsservicefactorybean使用类和/或WSDL MyService对象

3。一个endpointinfo为endpoint.publish URL创建



Dependencies 附属

CXF's dependencies

Quality 优点

CXF's Software Quality approach is detailed here.

References 证明书

  • Software Architecture, Wikipedia
  • Sample S/W Architecture Document, Rational Software Corporation
  • Documenting your Software Architecture, by Jim Alateras (March 2006)
