

//This code is complied by the cc.exe in Visual studio 2013 using the c++
#include <iostream>

struct ListNode
	int data;
	struct ListNode * next;

bool resideInSet(ListNode * head, int data);
bool checkResideInSet(ListNode * head, int data);
void printSet(ListNode * head);

//We allocate the set object in the heap memory.
ListNode * createSet(int setNum)
	//check the pre-condition.
	if (setNum <= 0)
		return NULL;
	ListNode * head = new ListNode;
	ListNode * prevNode = head;
	prevNode->next = NULL;

	int inputNum;
	std::cout << "Please input the value for the sub node:";
	std::cin >> head->data;
	for (int i = 1; i < setNum; i++)
		std::cin >> inputNum;
		//Check that whether the user input the same element.
		while (resideInSet(head, inputNum))
			std::cout << "Your input element: " << inputNum << "reside in set, please reinput the data:";
			std::cin >> inputNum;
		ListNode * subNode = new ListNode;
		subNode->data = inputNum;
		prevNode->next = subNode;
		prevNode = subNode;
		prevNode->next = NULL;
	return head;

bool deleteNode(ListNode ** head, int data)
	ListNode * phead = *head, *prev = NULL;
	while (phead)
		if (phead->data == data)
			if (prev == NULL)
				prev = phead;
				phead = phead->next;
				*head = phead;
				delete prev;
				prev->next = phead->next;
				delete phead;
			return true;
		prev = phead;
		phead = phead->next;
	return false;

void destorySet(ListNode * head)
	ListNode * phead = head, *pnode;
	while (phead)
		pnode = phead->next;
		delete phead;
		phead = pnode;

void printSet(ListNode * head)
	if (head == NULL)
		std::cout << "The set is empty!" << std::endl;
	ListNode * phead = head;
	std::cout << "The data of the set is: ";
	while (phead)
		std::cout << phead->data << " ";
		phead = phead->next;
	std::cout << std::endl;

bool resideInSet(ListNode * head, int data)
	if (head == NULL)
		return false;
	ListNode * phead = head;
	while (phead)
		if (phead->data == data)
			return true;
		phead = phead->next;
	return false;

bool checkResideInSet(ListNode * head, int data)
	if (resideInSet(head, data))
		std::cout << "The data " << data << "reside in Set." << std::endl;
		return true;
		std::cout << "The data" << data << "doesn't reside in set." << std::endl;
		return false;

ListNode * createUnionSet(ListNode * lstA, ListNode * lstB)
	if (lstA == NULL && lstB == NULL)
		return NULL;
	ListNode * phead = new ListNode;
	ListNode * head = phead;
	ListNode * pheadA = lstA;
	phead->data = lstA->data;
	lstA = lstA->next;
	while (lstA)
		ListNode * pnode = new ListNode;
		pnode->data = lstA->data;
		phead->next = pnode;
		phead = pnode;
		lstA = lstA->next;
	while (lstB)
		if (!resideInSet(pheadA, lstB->data))
			ListNode * pnode = new ListNode;
			pnode->data = lstB->data;
			phead->next = pnode;
			phead = pnode;
		lstB = lstB->next;
	phead->next = NULL;

	return head;


ListNode * createInterSet(ListNode * lstA, ListNode * lstB)
	if (lstA == NULL && lstB == NULL)
		return NULL;
	ListNode * phead = NULL;
	ListNode * head = NULL;
	ListNode * pheadA = lstA;
	ListNode * pheadB = lstB;
	while (lstA)
		if (resideInSet(pheadB, lstA->data))
			ListNode * pnode = new ListNode;
			pnode->data = lstA->data;
			if (phead == NULL) // we create the head node.
				phead = pnode;
				head = phead;
				phead->next = pnode;
				phead = pnode;

		lstA = lstA->next;
	if (phead)
		phead->next = NULL;

	return head;


int main()
	/*Unit test 
	ListNode * linklist1 = createSet(5);
	ListNode * linklist2 = createSet(3);
	ListNode * linkInterSet = createInterSet(linklist1, linklist2);



	return 0;

