今天一windows用户RAC环境因为用ASM一直有些问题,日常维护也比较麻烦,用户决定更换成OCFS文件系统存放数据文件,虽然迁移过程操作很简单,但是OCFS之前并没有做过,查了下资料,把存储转换的操作过程记录下来,资料为How to Add Another OCFS Drive for RAC on Windows (文档 ID 229060.1)
The ocfsformat.exe utility is found in the following directories, depending on the version of clusterware:
For Oracle9i (9.2.x) the ocfsformat.exe is found in: C:\Windows\system32\osd9i\cfs
For Oracle10g and Oracle 11g (10.1 and above) the ocfsformat.exe is found in: CRS_HOME\cfs
where CRS_HOME is the directory where the Oracle Clusterware is installed.
Syntax for the OCFSFORMAT Utility can be read by entering OCFSFORMAT at the command line with no switches:
Usage: OcfsFormat /m <linkName> /c <ClusterSize in KB> /v <Volume Label> /f /a
/m linkName where linkName is the mount point for this file system
with NT 4.0 only drive letters are used
/c Size of Cluster in KB
/v VolumeLabel
/f Force format a volume
/a This flag if specified will force OcfsFormat to use the clustersize
specified with /c option
ocfsformat /m E: /c 1024 /v DATA /f /d /a