一:原始 局部敏感哈希
LSH(Location Sensitive Hash),即位置敏感哈希函数。为保序哈希,也就是散列前的相似点经过哈希之后,也能够在一定程度上相似,并且具有一定的概率保证。
1. 高准确性。即返回的结果和线性查找的结果接近。
2. 空间复杂度低。即占用内存空间少。理想状态下,空间复杂度随数据集呈线性增长,但不会远大于数据集的大小。
3. 时间复杂度低。检索的时间复杂度最好为O(1)或O(logN)。
4. 支持高维度。能够较灵活地支持高维数据的检索。
◆数据压缩。如广泛地应用于信号处理及数据压缩等领域的Vector Quantization量子化技术。
[1] Weber R, Schek H, Blott S. A quantitative analysis and performance study for similarity search methods in high dimensional spaces Proc.of the 24th Intl.Conf.on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB).1998:194-205
32.Segmentation of Natural Images by Texture and Boundary Compression,
Hossein Mobahi, Shankar Rao, Allen Yang, Shankar Sastry, and Yi Ma, submitted to the International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), March 2010.
X: Compact Projection: Simple and Efficient Near Neighbor Search with Practical Memory Requirements
One of the easiest ways to construct an LSH family is by bit sampling.[3] This approach works for the Hamming distance over d-dimensional vectors . Here, the family of hash functions is simply the family of all the projections of points on one of the coordinates, i.e., 必须把特征转化到汉明空间,利用汉明距离;, where is theth coordinate of. A random function from simply selects a random bit from the input point. This family has the following parameters:,.
Suppose is composed of subsets of some ground set of enumerable items and the similarity function of interest is theJaccard index. If is a permutation on the indices of, for let. Each possible choice of defines a single hash function mapping input sets to integers.
Define the function family to be the set of all such functions and let be the uniform distribution. Given two sets the event that corresponds exactly to the event that the minimizer of lies inside. As was chosen uniformly at random, and define an LSH scheme for the Jaccard index. 集合的 jaccard距离:一般用来判定文本相似度;
Because the symmetric group on n elements has size n!, choosing a truly random permutation from the full symmetric group is infeasible for even moderately sized n. Because of this fact, there has been significant work on finding a family of permutations that is "min-wise independent" - a permutation family for which each element of the domain has equal probability of being the minimum under a randomly chosen. It has been established that a min-wise independent family of permutations is at least of size.[9] and that this boundary is tight[10]
Because min-wise independent families are too big for practical applications, two variant notions of min-wise independence are introduced: restricted min-wise independent permutations families, and approximate min-wise independent families. Restricted min-wise independence is the min-wise independence property restricted to certain sets of cardinality at most k.[11] Approximate min-wise independence differs from the property by at most a fixed .[12]
Nilsimsa is an anti-spam focused locality-sensitive hashing algorithm.[13] The goal of Nilsimsa is to generate a hash digest of an email message such that the digests of two similar messages are similar to each other. Nilsimsa satisfies three requirements outlined by the paper's authors:
The random projection method of LSH[4] (termed arccos by Andoni and Indyk [14]) is designed to approximate thecosine distance between vectors. The basic idea of this technique is to choose a randomhyperplane (defined by a normal unit vector) at the outset and use the hyperplane to hash input vectors.
Given an input vector and a hyperplane defined by, we let. That is, depending on which side of the hyperplane lies.
Each possible choice of defines a single function. Let be the set of all such functions and let be the uniform distribution once again. It is not difficult to prove that, for two vectors,, where is the angle between and. is closely related to.
In this instance hashing produces only a single bit. Two vectors' bits match with probability proportional to the cosine of the angle between them.
The hash function [15] maps ad dimensional vector onto a set of integers映射到一个数轴线段区间的整数上. Each hash function in the family is indexed by a choice of random and where is ad dimensional vector with entries chosen independently from a stable distribution and is a real number chosen uniformly from the range [0,r]. For a fixed the hash function is given by.
Other construction methods for hash functions have been proposed to better fit the data.[16] In particular k-means hash functions are better in practice than projection-based hash functions, but without any theoretical guarantee.
Given a -sensitive family, we can construct new families by either the AND-construction or OR-construction of.[1]
To create an AND-construction, we define a new family of hash functions, where each function is constructed from random functions from. We then say that for a hash function, if and only if all for. Since the members of are independently chosen for any, is a-sensitive family.
To create an OR-construction, we define a new family of hash functions, where each function is constructed from random functions from. We then say that for a hash function, if and only if for one or more values of. Since the members of are independently chosen for any, is a-sensitive family. 重点是:如何构建hash函数族...
LSH algorithm for nearest neighbor search:算法步骤
One of the main applications of LSH is to provide a method for efficient approximatenearest neighbor search algorithms. Consider an LSH family . The algorithm has two main parameters: the width parameter and the number of hash tables.
In the first step, we define a new family of hash functions, where each function is obtained by concatenating functions from, i.e.,. In other words, a random hash function is obtained by concatenating randomly chosen hash functions from. The algorithm then constructs hash tables, each corresponding to a different randomly chosen hash function.
In the preprocessing step we hash all points from the data set into each of the hash tables. Given that the resulting hash tables have only non-zero entries, one can reduce the amount of memory used per each hash table to using standardhash functions.
Given a query point , the algorithm iterates over the hash functions. For each considered, it retrieves the data points that are hashed into the same bucket as. The process is stopped as soon as a point within distance from is found.
Given the parameters and, the algorithm has the following performance guarantees:
For a fixed approximation ratio and probabilities and, one can set and, where. Then one obtains the following performance guarantees:
五:Locality Sensitive Hashing(LSH)之随机投影法
在n维空间中随机选取一个非零向量 x⃗ ={x1,x2,…,xn} 。考虑以该向量为法向量且经过坐标系原点的超平面,该超平面把整个n维空间分成了两部分,将法向量所在的空间称为正空间,另一空间为负空间。那么集合S中位于正空间的向量元素hash值为1,位于负空间的向量元素hash值为0。判断向量属于哪部分空间的一种简单办法是判断向量与法向量之间的夹角为锐角还是钝角,因此具体的定义公式可以写为
根据以上定义,假设向量 v⃗ 和 u⃗ 之间的夹角为 θ ,由于法向量 x⃗ 是随机选取的,那么这两个向量未被该超平面分割到两侧(即hash值相等)的概率应该为: p(θ)=1−θπ 。假设两个向量的相似度值为s,那么根据 θ=arccos(s) ,有
。hash值的个数为 2b 。很容易看出H(*)函数同样也是符合LSH算法要求的。一般随机按投影算法选用的hash函数就是H(*)。其中参数b的取值会在后面小节中讨论。
当最近邻搜索的近邻要求并不是那么严格的时候,即允许top k近邻的召回率不一定为1(但是越高越好),那么可以考虑借助于LSH算法。
该方法的执行效率取决于H(*)的hash值个数 2b ,也就是分组的个数。理想情况下,如果集合T中的向量元素在空间中分布的足够均匀,那么每一个hash值对应的元素集合大小大致为 m2b 。当m远大于向量元素的维度时,每次查询的速度可以提高到 2b 倍。
根据以上分析H(*)中b的取值越大算法的执行速度的提升越多,并且是指数级别的提升。但是,在这种情况下H(*)函数下的概率公式p(s),实际上表示与查询元素q的相似度为s的元素的召回率。当b的取值越大时,top k元素的召回率必然会下降。因此算法执行速度的提升需要召回率的下降作为代价。例如:当b等于10时,如果要保证某个元素的召回率不小于0.9,那么该元素与查询元素q的相似度必须不小于0.9999998。
预处理阶段:生成t个独立的hash函数 Hi(∗) ,根据这t个不同的hash函数,对集合T进行t种不同的分组,每一种分组方式下,同一个分组的元素在对应hash函数下具有相同的hash值。用合适的数据结构保存这些映射关系(如使用t个HashMap来保存)。
查询阶段:对于每一个hash函数 Hi(∗) ,计算查询元素q的hash值 Hi(q) ,将集合T中 Hi(∗) 所对应的分组方式下hash值为 Hi(q) 的分组添加到该次查询的候选集合中。然后,在该候选集合内使用简单的最近邻搜索方法寻找最相似的k个元素。
在执行效率上,预处理阶段由于需要计算t个hash函数的值,所以执行时间上升为t倍。查询阶段,如果单纯考虑候选集合大小对执行效率的影响,在最坏的情况下,t个hash值获得的列表均不相同,候选集集合大小的期望值为 t∗m2b ,查询速度下降至 1t ,与简单近邻搜索相比查询速度提升为 2bt 倍。
下图是召回率公式 p(s)=1−(1−(1−arccos(s)π)b)t 在不同的b和t取值下的s-p曲线。我们通过这些曲线来分析这里引入参数t的意义。4条蓝色的线以及最右边红色的线表示当t取值为1(相当于没有引入t),而b的取值从1变化到5的过程,从图中可以看出随着b的增大,不同相似度下的召回率都下降的非常厉害,特别的,当相似度接近1时曲线的斜率很大,也就说在高相似度的区域,召回率对相似度的变化非常敏感。10条红色的线从右到左表示b的取值为5不变,t的取值从1到10的过程,从图中可以看出,随着t的增大,曲线的形状发生了变化,高相似度区域的召回率变得下降的非常平缓,而最陡峭的地方渐渐的被移动到相对较低的相似度区域。因此,从以上曲线的变化特点可以看出,引入适当的参数t使得高相似度区域在一段较大的范围内仍然能够保持很高的召回率从而满足实际应用的需求。
根据实际应用的需要确定一对(s,p),表示相似度大于等于s的元素,召回率的最低要求为p。然后将召回率公式表示成b-t之间的函数关系 t=log1−(1−acos(s)pi)b(1−p) 。根据(s,p)的取值,画出b-t的关系曲线。如s=0.8,p=0.95时的b-t曲线如下图所示。考虑具体应用中的实际情况,在该曲线上选取一组使得执行效率可以达到最优的(b,t)组合。
切割平面与第一象限空间不相交等价于其法向量的每一个维度值都有相同的符号(都为正或者负),否则总能在第一象限空间中找到两个向量与法向量的乘积符号不同,也就是在切割平面的两侧。那么,随机生成的n维向量所有维度值都同号的概率为 12n−1 ,当n的取值很大时,该概率可以忽略不计。
[1] P. Indyk and R. Motwani. Approximate Nearest Neighbor:Towards Removing the Curse of Dimensionality. In Proc. of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 1998, pp. 604–613.
[2] Google News Personalization: Scalable Online Collaborative Filtering