#include <iostream> using namespace std; #ifndef _BITVECTOR_H_ #define _BITVECTOR_H_ #define BIT_MASK 1 class BitVector { public: BitVector(); BitVector(int bits); int bits(); void bits(int bits); int flag(int bit); void flag(int bit, unsigned char nFlag); void print(); void clear(); private: int m_nBits; int m_nSize; char* m_pBuff; }; #endif
#include "bitvector.h" BitVector::BitVector() { m_nBits = 0; m_pBuff = NULL; m_nSize = 0; } BitVector::BitVector(int bits) { int nSize = 0; m_nSize = 0; m_nBits = bits; m_pBuff = NULL; if (bits > 0) { if (bits%8 != 0) nSize = bits/8 + 1; else nSize = bits/8; m_nSize = nSize; m_pBuff = (char*)malloc(nSize); if (m_pBuff == NULL) m_nBits = 0; } } int BitVector::bits() { return m_nBits; } void BitVector::clear() { memset(m_pBuff, 0, m_nSize); } void BitVector::bits(int bits) { int nSize = 0; m_nBits = bits; if (m_pBuff != NULL) { free(m_pBuff); m_pBuff = NULL; } if (bits > 0) { if (bits%8 != 0) nSize = bits/8 + 1; else nSize = bits/8; m_pBuff = (char*)malloc(nSize); m_nSize = nSize; if (m_pBuff == NULL) { m_nBits = 0; m_nSize = 0; } else memset(m_pBuff, 0, nSize); } } int BitVector::flag(int bit) { int nFlag = 0, nIndex = 0, nOffset = 0; if ((m_pBuff == NULL) || (bit > m_nBits)) { cout << "Error the bit vector is empty" << endl; return -1; } if (m_nBits <= 0) { cout << "Error bit you set is out of range, the Max value is " << m_nBits << endl; return -1; } nIndex = bit / 8; nOffset = bit % 8; nFlag = (m_pBuff[nIndex] >> nOffset) & BIT_MASK; cout << "get bit : " << bit << " value="; (nFlag == 1)? cout << 1 << " " :cout << 0 << " " << endl << endl; return nFlag; } void BitVector::flag(int bit, unsigned char nFlag) { int i = 0; int nIndex = 0, nOffset = 0; unsigned char mask = 0; if ((m_pBuff == NULL) || (bit > m_nBits)) { cout << "Error the bit vector is empty" << endl; return; } if (m_nBits <= 0) { cout << "Error bit you set is out of range, the Max value is " << m_nBits << endl; return; } if ((nFlag != 0) && (nFlag != 1)) { cout << "Error flag you set should be 0 or 1 " << endl; } nIndex = bit/8; nOffset = bit%8; if (nFlag == 1) { mask = 1 << nOffset; m_pBuff[nIndex] |= mask; } else { mask = ~(1 << nOffset); m_pBuff[nIndex] &= mask; } } void BitVector::print() { int i = 0; int nIndex = 0, nOffset = 0; unsigned char nFlag = 0; cout << "Total Flag bits = " << m_nBits << endl; for (i = 0; i < m_nBits && m_pBuff != NULL; i++) { nIndex = i / 8; nOffset = i % 8; nFlag = (m_pBuff[nIndex] >> nOffset) & BIT_MASK; (nFlag == 1)? cout << 1 << " " :cout << 0 << " "; } cout << endl; }
#include "bitvector.h" int main() { BitVector bvct; int i = 0; cout << "create with default custruction" << endl; bvct.print(); cout << "reset bit to 100" << endl; bvct.bits(100); bvct.print(); cout << "set flags" << endl; for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { if ((i % 2) == 0) bvct.flag(i, 1); else bvct.flag(i, 0); } bvct.print(); i = bvct.flag(20); cout << "clear" << endl; bvct.clear(); bvct.print(); cin >> i; return 0; }