


with temp as(
select 0 as flevel, 'a' fparent,'b' fchild,3 fqty from dual
union all select 0,'a','c',1 from dual
union all select 0,'c','d',4 from dual
union all select 0,'b','e',1 from dual
union all select 0,'b','f',4 from dual
union all select 0,'e','h',2 from dual
union all select 0,'h','k',2 from dual)

select length(SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH('', '1')) AS flevel,SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(fparent,'\') as fparent,fchild,fqty from temp
start with fchild='e' or fchild='c'
CONNECT BY PRIOR fchild=fparent ;

