缺点:所有source code都链接重编译。
ld中有一个选项–wrap,当查找某个符号时,它优先先解析__wrap_symbol, 解析不到才去解析symbol。
-Wl,-wrap,malloc -Wl,-wrap,free -Wl,-wrap,calloc -Wl,-wrap,realloc
#include <stdlib.h> #include <execinfo.h> #include <map> #include <utility> #include <string.h> #include <sys/syscall.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <cxxabi.h> #include <dirent.h> #include "CCheckMemoryLeak.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // declare ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define THREAD_AUTOLOCK automutex _lock_(&_mutex, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); #define TRUE (1) #define FALSE (0) #define PERR printf #define PWRN printf #define __HOOK__ (0) class automutex { public: automutex(pthread_mutex_t *mux, const char *func, const int line); ~automutex(); private: pthread_mutex_t *m_mux; }; automutex::automutex(pthread_mutex_t *mux, const char *func, const int line) { m_mux = mux; pthread_mutex_lock(m_mux); } automutex::~automutex() { pthread_mutex_unlock(m_mux); } typedef struct BtInfo_s { size_t size; char **str_bt; size_t mem_size; pthread_t tid; pid_t pid; } BtInfo_t; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // internel params ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void (*old_free)(void *ptr, const void *caller); static void *(*old_malloc)(size_t size, const void *caller); static void *(*old_realloc)(void *ptr, size_t size, const void *caller); static void *(*old_memalign)(size_t alignment, size_t size, const void *caller); static void my_free(void *ptr, const void *caller); static void *my_malloc(size_t size, const void *caller); static void *my_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size, const void *caller); static void *my_memalign(size_t alignment, size_t size, const void *caller); static pthread_mutex_t _mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static std::map<const void *, BtInfo_t> _malloc_info_map; static char _dym_symbol_dir[256] = ""; static size_t _malloc_size_check_point = 1024; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // internel function ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int get_backtrace_info(char ** &str_bt, size_t *bt_sz) { if (NULL == bt_sz) { PERR("[%s][%d] error bt is null\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return FALSE; } #define _BT_SIZE_ (10) void *array[_BT_SIZE_] = { NULL }; size_t size = backtrace (array, _BT_SIZE_); #undef _BT_SIZE_ if (0 == size) { PERR("[%s][%d] bt sz is 0\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return FALSE; } str_bt = backtrace_symbols (array, size); if (NULL == str_bt) { PERR("[%s][%d] error str_bt is null\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return FALSE; } *bt_sz = size; return TRUE; } static pid_t gettid(void) { return syscall(SYS_gettid); } static int save_malloc_pointer_info(const void *ptr, const size_t size) { if (NULL == ptr) { PWRN("ptr is null\n"); return TRUE; } size_t bt_sz = 0; BtInfo_t stBtInfo; if (FALSE == get_backtrace_info(stBtInfo.str_bt, &bt_sz)) { PWRN("[%s][%d]get bt info error\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); stBtInfo.str_bt = NULL; } stBtInfo.size = bt_sz; stBtInfo.mem_size = size; stBtInfo.tid = pthread_self(); stBtInfo.pid = gettid(); _malloc_info_map.insert(std::make_pair<const void *, BtInfo_t>(ptr, stBtInfo)); return TRUE; } static int remove_free_pointer_info(const void *ptr) { if (NULL == ptr) { PWRN("[%s][%d]ptr is null\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return TRUE; } std::map<const void *, BtInfo_t>::iterator _it; _it = _malloc_info_map.find(ptr); if (_it == _malloc_info_map.end()) { PERR("[%s][%d]point(%p) not found, must somethine error\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ptr); return FALSE; } BtInfo_t *pstBtInfo = &(_it->second); if (NULL != pstBtInfo) { if (NULL != pstBtInfo->str_bt) { free(pstBtInfo->str_bt); pstBtInfo->str_bt = NULL; } } _malloc_info_map.erase(_it); return TRUE; } /// format string start static int _frame_pos = 0; static void format_output_info(const char *funcname, const char *file, int line) { if (NULL == funcname) { printf("#%d (Unkonw Function Name) at (Unknow Source File):0\n", _frame_pos); } else if (NULL == file) { printf("#%d %s() at (Unknow Source File):0\n", _frame_pos, funcname); } else { printf("#%d %s() at %s:%d\n", _frame_pos, funcname, file, line); } _frame_pos++; } static int get_libname(const char *symbol, char *libname) { if ((NULL == symbol) || (NULL == libname)) { return FALSE; } const char *end = strstr(symbol, ".so"); if (NULL == end) { return FALSE; } char *sta = (char *)rindex(symbol, '/'); int len = 0; if (NULL == sta) { sta = (char *)symbol; } else { sta = sta + 1; } len = end + 3 - sta; if (0 >= len) { return FALSE; } strncpy(libname, sta, len); return TRUE; } static int get_funcname(const char *symbol, char *funcname) { if ((NULL == symbol) || (NULL == funcname)) { return FALSE; } const char *sta = strchr(symbol, '('); if (NULL == sta) { return FALSE; } const char *end = strchr(symbol, '+'); if (NULL == end) { return FALSE; } sta = sta + 1; int len = end - sta; if (1 >= len) { return FALSE; } strncpy(funcname, sta, len); return TRUE; } static int trans_symbol_name(char *symbol_name) { if (NULL == symbol_name) { return FALSE; } int status = 0; size_t size = 0; char *realname = abi::__cxa_demangle(symbol_name, 0, &size, &status); if (NULL != realname) { memset(symbol_name, 0x0, 256); strncpy(symbol_name, realname, 256); free(realname); realname = NULL; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static void parse_func_info(const char *symbol) { if (NULL == symbol) { return; } char funcname[256]; memset(funcname, 0x0, sizeof(funcname)); if (TRUE == get_funcname(symbol, funcname)) { trans_symbol_name(funcname); format_output_info(funcname, NULL, 0); } else { format_output_info(symbol, NULL, 0); } } static int get_lib_symbol_path(const char *libname, char *libpath) { if ((NULL == libname) || (NULL == libpath)) { return FALSE; } struct dirent *dp; DIR *dfd = NULL; if(NULL == (dfd = opendir(_dym_symbol_dir))) { printf("open root dir failed! dir: %s", _dym_symbol_dir); return FALSE; } for(dp = readdir(dfd); NULL != dp; dp = readdir(dfd)) { if(strstr(dp->d_name, libname) != NULL) { strncpy(libpath, dp->d_name, 256); closedir(dfd); return TRUE; } } closedir(dfd); return FALSE; } static void parse_lib_symbol_info(const char *symbol, const char *libname) { if ('\0' == _dym_symbol_dir[0]) { parse_func_info(symbol); return; } char funcname[256]; if (FALSE == get_funcname(symbol, funcname)) { format_output_info(symbol, NULL, 0); return; } char libpath[256]; memset(libpath, 0x0, sizeof(libpath)); if (FALSE == get_lib_symbol_path(libname, libpath)) { format_output_info(funcname, NULL, 0); return; } ///parse symbol lib info } /// format string end static int malloc_info_map_status(void) { THREAD_AUTOLOCK; size_t size = _malloc_info_map.size(); printf("== unfree pointer count:%ld ==\n", size); printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\n"); if (0 != size) { _frame_pos = 0; printf("all alloc memory info:\n"); std::map<const void *, BtInfo_t>::iterator _it; size_t count = 0; size_t memsize = 0; for (_it = _malloc_info_map.begin(); _it != _malloc_info_map.end(); ++_it) { BtInfo_t *pstBtInfo = &(_it->second); if (NULL == pstBtInfo) { printf("<< memory address:\t\t%p, size: unknow >>\n\n", _it->first); continue; } printf("<< \t(%ld) memory address:\t%p, size: %ld, thread_id(0x%lx), p_id(0x%x)\t>>\n", ++count, _it->first, pstBtInfo->mem_size, pstBtInfo->tid, pstBtInfo->pid); printf("\t(%ld) backtrace information(%ld):\n", count, pstBtInfo->size); memsize += pstBtInfo->mem_size; size_t i = 0; char libname[256]; for (i = 0; i < pstBtInfo->size; ++i) { if (NULL == pstBtInfo->str_bt[i]) { continue; } memset(libname, 0x0, sizeof(libname)); if (TRUE == get_libname(pstBtInfo->str_bt[i], libname)) { ///trans lib info parse_lib_symbol_info(pstBtInfo->str_bt[i], libname); } else { parse_func_info(pstBtInfo->str_bt[i]); } } printf("== all unfree memory time(0x%lx) size(0x%lx) ==\n", count, memsize); } } return TRUE; } static void _private_hook_back() { #if __HOOK__ old_malloc = __malloc_hook; old_free = __free_hook; old_realloc = __realloc_hook; old_memalign = __memalign_hook; #endif } static void _private_hook_init() { #if __HOOK__ __malloc_hook = my_malloc; __free_hook = my_free; __realloc_hook = my_realloc; __memalign_hook = my_memalign; #endif } static void _private_hook_restore() { #if __HOOK__ __malloc_hook = old_malloc; __free_hook = old_free; __realloc_hook = old_realloc; __memalign_hook = old_memalign; #endif } #if __HOOK__ static void *my_malloc(size_t size, const void *caller) #else void *__wrap_malloc(size_t size) #endif { static int count = 0; THREAD_AUTOLOCK; void *p = NULL; _private_hook_restore(); p = malloc(size); //printf("xx malloc time(%d) xx\n", ++count); save_malloc_pointer_info(p, size); _private_hook_init(); return p; } #if __HOOK__ static void my_free(void *ptr, const void *caller) #else void __wrap_free(void *ptr) #endif { static int count = 0; THREAD_AUTOLOCK; _private_hook_restore(); remove_free_pointer_info(ptr); free(ptr); //printf("xx free time(%d) xx\n", ++count); _private_hook_init(); } /* 如果是将分配的内存扩大,则有以下情况: 1)如果当前内存段后面有需要的内存空间,则直接扩展这段内存空间,realloc()将返回原指针。 2)如果当前内存段后面的空闲字节不够,那么就使用堆中的第一个能够满足这一要求的内存块,将目前的数据复制到新的位置,并将原来的数据块释放掉,返回新的内存块位置。 3)如果申请失败,将返回NULL,此时,原来的指针仍然有效。 */ static void *my_memalign(size_t boundary, size_t size, const void *caller) { static int count = 0; THREAD_AUTOLOCK; void *p = NULL; _private_hook_restore(); p = malloc(size); //printf("xx memalign time(%d) xx\n", ++count); save_malloc_pointer_info(p, size); _private_hook_init(); return p; } /* 如果是将分配的内存扩大,则有以下情况: 1)如果当前内存段后面有需要的内存空间,则直接扩展这段内存空间,realloc()将返回原指针。 2)如果当前内存段后面的空闲字节不够,那么就使用堆中的第一个能够满足这一要求的内存块,将目前的数据复制到新的位置,并将原来的数据块释放掉,返回新的内存块位置。 3)如果申请失败,将返回NULL,此时,原来的指针仍然有效。 */ #if __HOOK__ static void *my_realloc(void *__ptr, size_t size, const void *caller) #else void *__wrap_realloc(void *__ptr, size_t size) #endif { THREAD_AUTOLOCK; void *p = NULL; _private_hook_restore(); //printf("realloc size: %ld\n", size); void *ptr = __ptr; p = realloc(__ptr, size); if (NULL != p) { remove_free_pointer_info(ptr); save_malloc_pointer_info(p, size); } _private_hook_init(); return p; } void *__wrap_calloc(size_t numElements, size_t sizeOfElement) { static int count = 0; THREAD_AUTOLOCK; void *p = NULL; _private_hook_restore(); p = calloc(numElements, sizeOfElement); //printf("xx calloc time(%d) xx\n", ++count); save_malloc_pointer_info(p, numElements * sizeOfElement); _private_hook_init(); return p; } static void my_mempool_destroy() { THREAD_AUTOLOCK; _private_hook_restore(); } static void my_mempool_init() { THREAD_AUTOLOCK; _private_hook_back(); _private_hook_init(); //atexit(my_mempool_destroy); } pthread_t monitor_id = -1; int thread_exit = FALSE; void *malloc_size_monitor(void *args) { while (FALSE == thread_exit) { if (_malloc_size_check_point <= _malloc_info_map.size()) { printf("== to becarefully, check point detect, malloc size(%ld) ==\n", _malloc_info_map.size()); malloc_info_map_status(); } usleep(1000 * 1000); } return NULL; } static void malloc_size_monitor_thread_create(void) { THREAD_AUTOLOCK; _private_hook_restore(); if (0 != pthread_create(&monitor_id, NULL, malloc_size_monitor, NULL)) { monitor_id = -1; } _private_hook_init(); } static void malloc_size_monitor_thread_destroy(void) { THREAD_AUTOLOCK; _private_hook_restore(); thread_exit = TRUE; if (-1 != monitor_id) { pthread_join(monitor_id, NULL); } _private_hook_init(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // extern function ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if (__HOOK__ == 1) void (*__MALLOC_HOOK_VOLATILE __malloc_initialize_hook) (void) = my_mempool_init; #endif __attribute((constructor)) void CCheckMemoryLeakInit(void) { printf("== Check Memory Leak Init ==\n"); memset(_dym_symbol_dir, 0x0, sizeof(_dym_symbol_dir)); malloc_size_monitor_thread_create(); } __attribute((destructor)) void CCheckMemoryLeakDeInit(void) { malloc_size_monitor_thread_destroy(); my_mempool_destroy(); malloc_info_map_status(); printf("== Check Memory Leak Exit ==\n"); } void CCheckMemoryLeakInfo(void) { malloc_info_map_status(); } void CCheckMemoryLeakSetDymSymbolDir(const char *dir) { if (NULL != dir) { memcpy(_dym_symbol_dir, dir, sizeof(_dym_symbol_dir)); } } void CCheckMemoryLeakSetMallocSizeCheckPoint(size_t size) { _malloc_size_check_point = size; } size_t CCheckMemoryLeakGetMallocSizeInfo(void) { return _malloc_info_map.size(); }
#include <stdio.h> #include <malloc.h> #include <pthread.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif ///private void *__wrap_malloc(size_t size); void *__wrap_realloc(void *__ptr, size_t size); void *__wrap_calloc(size_t numElements, size_t sizeOfElement); void __wrap_free(void *ptr); ///pulibc void CCheckMemoryLeakInfo(void); void CCheckMemoryLeakSetDymSymbolDir(const char *dir); void CCheckMemoryLeakSetMallocSizeCheckPoint(size_t size); size_t CCheckMemoryLeakGetMallocSizeInfo(void); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <execinfo.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <memory.h> #include "CCheckMemoryLeak.h" pthread_t monitor_id = -1; int thread_exit = 0; pthread_t monitor_id2 = -1; int thread_exit2 = 0; void *monitor(void *args) { int i = 0; while (0 == thread_exit) { if (10 > i) { char *p = (char *)malloc(10); printf("(%p)thread 1 exit(%d)\n", p, i); free(p); } else{ printf("thread 1 exit(%d)\n", i); break; } ++i; } return NULL; } void *monitor2(void *args) { int i = 0; while (0 == thread_exit2) { if (10 > i) { char *p = (char *)malloc(10); printf("(%p)thread 2 exit(%d)\n", p, i); free(p); } else{ printf("thread 2 exit(%d)\n", i); break; } i++; } return NULL; } static void malloc_size_monitor_init(void) { if (0 != pthread_create(&monitor_id, NULL, monitor, NULL)) { monitor_id = -1; } } static void malloc_size_monitor_exit(void) { thread_exit = 1; if (-1 != monitor_id) { pthread_join(monitor_id, NULL); } } static void malloc_size_monitor_init2(void) { if (0 != pthread_create(&monitor_id2, NULL, monitor2, NULL)) { monitor_id2 = -1; } } static void malloc_size_monitor_exit2(void) { thread_exit2 = 1; if (-1 != monitor_id2) { pthread_join(monitor_id2, NULL); } } void next() { printf("\npause now, press 'n' to contine\n"); char c = 'x'; while (1) { scanf("%c", &c); if ('n' == c) { return; } } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int len = 100; char *p = (char *)malloc(len); if (NULL != p) { memset(p, 0x1F, len); CCheckMemoryLeakInfo(); char *p2 = (char *)realloc(p, 200); CCheckMemoryLeakInfo(); free(p2); p = NULL; CCheckMemoryLeakInfo(); } p = (char *)calloc(2, len); free(p); p = (char *)calloc(2, 200); free(p); #if 1 malloc_size_monitor_init(); malloc_size_monitor_init2(); malloc_size_monitor_exit(); malloc_size_monitor_exit2(); next(); #endif return 0; }
GCC := gcc GXX := g++ SRC := CCheckMemoryLeak.cpp INC := ./ LIBDIR := BINLIBDIR := ./ LIB := -lpthread BINLIB := -lChkMemLeak CFLAGS += -Wno-deprecated-declarations -fPIC -Wl,--rpath=./ -rdynamic CPPFLAGS += -Wno-deprecated-declarations -fPIC -Wl,--rpath=./ -rdynamic TARGETLIB := libChkMemLeak.so TARGETBIN := TestChkMemLeak WRAPFUNC := -Wl,-wrap,malloc -Wl,-wrap,free -Wl,-wrap,calloc -Wl,-wrap,realloc .PHONY : all libChkMemLeakCreate clean all: libChkMemLeakCreate $(GXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(WRAPFUNC) -g -o $(TARGETBIN) TestChkMemLeak.cpp -L$(BINLIBDIR) $(BINLIB) -I$(INC) $(LIB) libChkMemLeakCreate: $(GXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -shared -g $(SRC) -o $(TARGETLIB) -L$(LIBDIR) -I$(INC) $(LIB) clean: rm -rf ./$(TARGETLIB) rm -rf ./$(TARGETBIN)
all alloc memory info:
<< (1) memory address: 0x2490430, size: 200, thread_id(0x7f25f2caa780), p_id(0x3602) >>
(1) backtrace information(6):
#0 ./libChkMemLeak.so(+0x49fd) [0x7f25f28a19fd]() at (Unknow Source File):0
#1 ./libChkMemLeak.so(+0x4b01) [0x7f25f28a1b01]() at (Unknow Source File):0
#2 __wrap_realloc() at (Unknow Source File):0
#3 main() at (Unknow Source File):0
#4 __libc_start_main() at (Unknow Source File):0
#5 ./TestChkMemLeak() [0x400b79]() at (Unknow Source File):0
== all unfree memory time(0x1) size(0xc8) ==
== unfree pointer count:0 ==