20090306 (Flex Microphone)

Audio quality
Echo suppression: echo suppression is advisable when the sound being captured is played through speakers — instead of a headset — on the same computer.
Rate: the rate at which the microphone captures sound, in kHz. The allowed values are any of the following your sound device supports: 5, 8, 11, 22, or 44.
Codec, encode quality and frames per packet: codec is used to select "NellyMoser" or "Speex", if "Speex" is chosen, you can set encode quality (higher quality requires more bandwidth) and frames per packet ( less frames per packet requires more bandwidth but reduces delay).


Volume detection
Gain and activity level: set gain to control the volume which is reflected by activity level.
Slience level and silence timeout: when activity level grows beyond slience level, an ActivityEvent will be sent. If activity level drops, only when it remains below slience level for certain period (silence timeout) will the event be sent, and microphone will stop to save bandwidth afte that.


Loop back: set it to enable or disable loop back.
Sound transform: set right-left balance value when loop back is used.
Muted: true if user denied access to the microphone.
