蚁群算法ACO(ant colony optimization)的原理以及实现源代码

小小的蚂蚁总是能够找到食物,他们具有什么样的智能呢?设想,如果我们要为蚂蚁设计一个人工智能的程序,那么这个程序要多么复杂呢?首先,你要让蚂蚁能够避开障碍物,就必须根据适当的地形给它编进指令让他们能够巧妙的避开障碍物,其次,要让蚂蚁找到食物,就需要让他们遍历空间上的所有点;再次,如果要让蚂蚁找到最短的路径,那么需要计算所有可能的路径并且比较它们的大小,而且更重要的是,你要小心翼翼的编程,因为程序的错误也许会让你前功尽弃。这是多么不可思议的程序!太复杂了,恐怕没人能够完成这样繁琐冗余的程序。 为什么这么简单的程序会让蚂蚁干这样复杂的事情?答案是:简单规则的涌现。事实上,每只蚂蚁并不是像我们想象的需要知道整个世界的信息,他们其实只关心很小范围内的眼前信息,而且根据这些局部信息利用几条简单的规则进行决策,这样,在蚁群这个集体里,复杂性的行为就会凸现出来。这就是人工生命、复杂性科学解释的规律! 下面就是实现如此复杂性的七条简单规则: 1、范围: 蚂蚁观察到的范围是一个方格世界,蚂蚁有一个参数为速度半径(一般是3),那么它能观察到的范围就是3*3个方格世界,并且能移动的距离也在这个范围之内。 2、环境: 蚂蚁所在的环境是一个虚拟的世界,其中有障碍物,有别的蚂蚁,还有信息素,信息素有两种,一种是找到食物的蚂蚁洒下的食物信息素,一种是找到窝的蚂蚁洒下的窝的信息素。每个蚂蚁都仅仅能感知它范围内的环境信息。环境以一定的速率让信息素消失。 3、觅食规则: 在每只蚂蚁能感知的范围内寻找是否有食物,如果有就直接过去。否则看是否有信息素,并且比较在能感知的范围内哪一点的信息素最多,这样,它就朝信息素多的地方走,并且每只蚂蚁多会以小概率犯错误,从而并不是往信息素最多的点移动。蚂蚁找窝的规则和上面一样,只不过它对窝的信息素做出反应,而对食物信息素没反应。 4、移动规则: 每只蚂蚁都朝向信息素最多的方向移,并且,当周围没有信息素指引的时候,蚂蚁会按照自己原来运动的方向惯性的运动下去,并且,在运动的方向有一个随机的小的扰动。为了防止蚂蚁原地转圈,它会记住最近刚走过了哪些点,如果发现要走的下一点已经在最近走过了,它就会尽量避开。 5、避障规则: 如果蚂蚁要移动的方向有障碍物挡住,它会随机的选择另一个方向,并且有信息素指引的话,它会按照觅食的规则行为。 7、播撒信息素规则: 每只蚂蚁在刚找到食物或者窝的时候撒发的信息素最多,并随着它走远的距离,播撒的信息素越来越少。 下面的程序开始运行之后,蚂蚁们开始从窝里出动了,寻找食物;他们会顺着屏幕爬满整个画面,直到找到食物再返回窝。 其中,‘F’点表示食物,‘H’表示窝,白色块表示障碍物,‘+’就是蚂蚁了。 参数说明: 最大信息素:蚂蚁在一开始拥有的信息素总量,越大表示程序在较长一段时间能够存在信息素。信息素消减的速度:随着时间的流逝,已经存在于世界上的信息素会消减,这个数值越大,那么消减的越快。 错误概率表示这个蚂蚁不往信息素最大的区域走的概率,越大则表示这个蚂蚁越有创新性。 速度半径表示蚂蚁一次能走的最大长度,也表示这个蚂蚁的感知范围。 记忆能力表示蚂蚁能记住多少个刚刚走过点的坐标,这个值避免了蚂蚁在本地打转,停滞不前。而这个值越大那么整个系统运行速度就慢,越小则蚂蚁越容易原地转圈。 源代码如下: /*ant.c*/ #define SPACE 0x20 #define ESC 0x1b #define ANT_CHAR_EMPTY '+' #define ANT_CHAR_FOOD 153 #define HOME_CHAR 'H' #define FOOD_CHAR 'F' #define FOOD_CHAR2 'f' #define FOOD_HOME_COLOR 12 #define BLOCK_CHAR 177 #define MAX_ANT 50 #define INI_SPEED 3 #define MAXX 80 #define MAXY 23 #define MAX_FOOD 10000 #define TARGET_FOOD 200 #define MAX_SMELL 5000 #define SMELL_DROP_RATE 0.05 #define ANT_ERROR_RATE 0.02 #define ANT_EYESHOT 3 #define SMELL_GONE_SPEED 50 #define SMELL_GONE_RATE 0.05 #define TRACE_REMEMBER 50 #define MAX_BLOCK 100 #define NULL 0 #define UP 1 #define DOWN 2 #define LEFT 3 #define RIGHT 4 #define SMELL_TYPE_FOOD 0 #define SMELL_TYPE_HOME 1 #include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" #include "dos.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "dos.h" #include "process.h" #include "ctype.h" #include "math.h" void WorldInitial(void); void BlockInitial(void); void CreatBlock(void); void SaveBlock(void); void LoadBlock(void); void HomeFoodInitial(void); void AntInitial(void); void WorldChange(void); void AntMove(void); void AntOneStep(void); void DealKey(char key); void ClearSmellDisp(void); void DispSmell(int type); int AntNextDir(int xxx,int yyy,int ddir); int GetMaxSmell(int type,int xxx,int yyy,int ddir); int IsTrace(int xxx,int yyy); int MaxLocation(int num1,int num2,int num3); int CanGo(int xxx,int yyy,int ddir); int JudgeCanGo(int xxx,int yyy); int TurnLeft(int ddir); int TurnRight(int ddir); int TurnBack(int ddir); int MainTimer(void); char WaitForKey(int secnum); void DispPlayTime(void); int TimeUse(void); void HideCur(void); void ResetCur(void); /* --------------- */ struct HomeStruct { int xxx,yyy; int amount; int TargetFood; }home; struct FoodStruct { int xxx,yyy; int amount; }food; struct AntStruct { int xxx,yyy; int dir; int speed; int SpeedTimer; int food; int SmellAmount[2]; int tracex[TRACE_REMEMBER]; int tracey[TRACE_REMEMBER]; int TracePtr; int IQ; }ant[MAX_ANT]; int AntNow; int timer10ms; struct time starttime,endtime; int Smell[2][MAXX+1][MAXY+1]; int block[MAXX+1][MAXY+1]; int SmellGoneTimer; int SmellDispFlag; int CanFindFood; int HardtoFindPath; /* ----- Main -------- */ void main(void) { char KeyPress; int tu; clrscr(); HideCur(); WorldInitial(); do { timer10ms = MainTimer(); if(timer10ms) AntMove(); if(timer10ms) WorldChange(); tu = TimeUse(); if(tu>=60&&!CanFindFood) { gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf("Can not find food, maybe a block world."); WaitForKey(10); WorldInitial(); } if(tu>=180&&home.amount<100&&!HardtoFindPath) { gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf("God! it is so difficult to find a path."); if(WaitForKey(10)==0x0d) WorldInitial(); else { HardtoFindPath = 1; gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf(" "); } } if(home.amount>=home.TargetFood) { gettime(&endtime); KeyPress = WaitForKey(60); DispPlayTime(); WaitForKey(10); WorldInitial(); } else if(kbhit()) { KeyPress = getch(); DealKey(KeyPress); } else KeyPress = NULL; } while(KeyPress!=ESC); gettime(&endtime); DispPlayTime(); WaitForKey(10); clrscr(); ResetCur(); } /* ------ general sub process ----------- */ int MainTimer(void) /* output: how much 10ms have pass from last time call this process */ { static int oldhund,oldsec; struct time t; int timeuse; gettime(&t); timeuse = 0; if(t.ti_hund!=oldhund) { if(t.ti_sec!=oldsec) { timeuse+=100; oldsec = t.ti_sec; } timeuse+=t.ti_hund-oldhund; oldhund = t.ti_hund; } else timeuse = 0; return (timeuse); } char WaitForKey(int secnum) /* funtion: if have key in, exit immediately, else wait 'secnum' senconds then exit input: secnum -- wait this senconds, must < 3600 (1 hour) output: key char, if no key in(exit when timeout), return NULL */ { int secin,secnow; int minin,minnow; int hourin,hournow; int secuse; struct time t; gettime(&t); secin = t.ti_sec; minin = t.ti_min; hourin = t.ti_hour; do { if(kbhit()) return(getch()); gettime(&t); secnow = t.ti_sec; minnow = t.ti_min; hournow = t.ti_hour; if(hournow!=hourin) minnow+=60; if(minnow>minin) secuse = (minnow-1-minin) + (secnow+60-secin); else secuse = secnow - secin; /* counting error check */ if(secuse<0) { gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf("Time conuting error, any keyto exit..."); getch(); exit(3); } } while(secuse<=secnum); return (NULL); } void DispPlayTime(void) { int ph,pm,ps; ph = endtime.ti_hour - starttime.ti_hour; pm = endtime.ti_min - starttime.ti_min; ps = endtime.ti_sec - starttime.ti_sec; if(ph<0) ph+=24; if(pm<0) { ph--; pm+=60; } if(ps<0) { pm--; ps+=60; } gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf("Time use: %d hour- %d min- %d sec ",ph,pm,ps); } int TimeUse(void) { int ph,pm,ps; gettime(&endtime); ph = endtime.ti_hour - starttime.ti_hour; pm = endtime.ti_min - starttime.ti_min; ps = endtime.ti_sec - starttime.ti_sec; if(ph<0) ph+=24; if(pm<0) { ph--; pm+=60; } if(ps<0) { pm--; ps+=60; } return(ps+(60*(pm+60*ph))); } void HideCur(void) { union REGS regs0; regs0.h.ah=1; regs0.h.ch=0x30; regs0.h.cl=0x31; int86(0x10,®s0,®s0); } void ResetCur(void) { union REGS regs0; regs0.h.ah=1; regs0.h.ch=0x06; regs0.h.cl=0x07; int86(0x10,®s0,®s0); } /* ------------ main ANT programe ------------- */ void WorldInitial(void) { int k,i,j; randomize(); clrscr(); HomeFoodInitial(); for(AntNow=0;AntNow<max_ant;antnow++) {="" antinitial();="" }="" *="" of="" for="" antnow="" *="" ;="" blockinitial();="" for(k="0;k&lt;=1;k++)" *="" smell="" type="" food="" and="" home="" *="" for(i="0;i&lt;=MAXX;i++)" for(j="0;j&lt;=MAXY;j++)" smell[k][i][j]="0;" smellgonetimer="0;" gettime(&starttime);="" smelldispflag="0;" canfindfood="0;" hardtofindpath="0;" }="" void="" blockinitial(void)="" {="" int="" i,j;="" int="" bn;="" for(i="0;i&lt;=MAXX;i++)" for(j="0;j&lt;=MAXY;j++)" block[i][j]="0;" bn="1+" max_block="" 2="" +="" random(max_block="" 2);="" for(i="0;i&lt;=bn;i++)" creatblock();="" }="" void="" creatblock(void)="" {="" int="" x1,y1,x2,y2;="" int="" dx,dy;="" int="" i,j;="" x1="random(MAXX)+1;" y1="random(MAXY)+1;" dx="random(MAXX/10)+1;" dy="random(MAXY/10)+1;" x2="x1+dx;" y2="y1+dy;" if(x2="">MAXX) x2 = MAXX; if(y2>MAXY) y2 = MAXY; if(food.xxx>=x1&&food.xxx<=x2&&food.yyy>=y1&&food.yyy<=y2) return; if(home.xxx>=x1&&home.xxx<=x2&&home.yyy>=y1&&home.yyy<=y2) return; for(i=x1;i<=x2;i++) for(j=y1;j<=y2;j++) { block[i][j] = 1; gotoxy(i,j); putch(BLOCK_CHAR); } } void SaveBlock(void) { FILE *fp_block; char FileNameBlock[20]; int i,j; gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf(" "); gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf("Save to file...",FileNameBlock); gets(FileNameBlock); if(FileNameBlock[0]==0) strcpy(FileNameBlock,"Ant.ant"); else strcat(FileNameBlock,".ant"); if ((fp_block = fopen(FileNameBlock, "wb")) == NULL) { gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf("Creat file %s fail...",FileNameBlock); getch(); exit(2); } gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf(" "); fputc(home.xxx,fp_block); fputc(home.yyy,fp_block); fputc(food.xxx,fp_block); fputc(food.yyy,fp_block); for(i=0;i<=MAXX;i++) for(j=0;j<=MAXY;j++) fputc(block[i][j],fp_block); fclose(fp_block); } void LoadBlock(void) { FILE *fp_block; char FileNameBlock[20]; int i,j,k; gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf(" "); gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf("Load file...",FileNameBlock); gets(FileNameBlock); if(FileNameBlock[0]==0) strcpy(FileNameBlock,"Ant.ant"); else strcat(FileNameBlock,".ant"); if ((fp_block = fopen(FileNameBlock, "rb")) == NULL) { gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf("Open file %s fail...",FileNameBlock); getch(); exit(2); } clrscr(); home.xxx = fgetc(fp_block); home.yyy = fgetc(fp_block); food.xxx = fgetc(fp_block); food.yyy = fgetc(fp_block); gotoxy(home.xxx,home.yyy); putch(HOME_CHAR); gotoxy(food.xxx,food.yyy); putch(FOOD_CHAR); food.amount = random(MAX_FOOD/3)+2*MAX_FOOD/3+1; /* food.amount = MAX_FOOD; */ home.amount = 0; home.TargetFood = (food.amount<target_food)?food.amount:target_food; for(antnow="0;AntNow&lt;MAX_ANT;AntNow++)" {="" antinitial();="" }="" *="" of="" for="" antnow="" *="" ;="" for(i="0;i&lt;=MAXX;i++)" for(j="0;j&lt;=MAXY;j++)" {="" block[i][j]="fgetc(fp_block);" if(block[i][j])="" {="" gotoxy(i,j);="" putch(block_char);="" }="" }="" for(k="0;k&lt;=1;k++)" *="" smell="" type="" food="" and="" home="" *="" for(i="0;i&lt;=MAXX;i++)" for(j="0;j&lt;=MAXY;j++)" smell[k][i][j]="0;" smellgonetimer="0;" gettime(&starttime);="" smelldispflag="0;" canfindfood="0;" hardtofindpath="0;" fclose(fp_block);="" }="" void="" homefoodinitial(void)="" {="" int="" randnum;="" int="" homeplace;="" *="" 1="" --="" home="" at="" left-up,="" food="" at="" right-down="" 2="" --="" home="" at="" left-down,="" food="" at="" right-up="" 3="" --="" home="" at="" right-up,="" food="" at="" left-down="" 4="" --="" home="" at="" right-down,="" food="" at="" left-up="" *="" randnum="random(100);" if(randnum<25)="" homeplace="1;" else="" if="" (randnum="">=25&&randnum<50) homeplace = 2; else if (randnum>=50&&randnum<75) homeplace = 3; else homeplace = 4; switch(homeplace) { case 1: home.xxx = random(MAXX/3)+1; home.yyy = random(MAXY/3)+1; food.xxx = random(MAXX/3)+2*MAXX/3+1; food.yyy = random(MAXY/3)+2*MAXY/3+1; break; case 2: home.xxx = random(MAXX/3)+1; home.yyy = random(MAXY/3)+2*MAXY/3+1; food.xxx = random(MAXX/3)+2*MAXX/3+1; food.yyy = random(MAXY/3)+1; break; case 3: home.xxx = random(MAXX/3)+2*MAXX/3+1; home.yyy = random(MAXY/3)+1; food.xxx = random(MAXX/3)+1; food.yyy = random(MAXY/3)+2*MAXY/3+1; break; case 4: home.xxx = random(MAXX/3)+2*MAXX/3+1; home.yyy = random(MAXY/3)+2*MAXY/3+1; food.xxx = random(MAXX/3)+1; food.yyy = random(MAXY/3)+1; break; } food.amount = random(MAX_FOOD/3)+2*MAX_FOOD/3+1; /* food.amount = MAX_FOOD; */ home.amount = 0; home.TargetFood = (food.amount<target_food)?food.amount:target_food; *="" data="" correctness="" check="" *="" if(home.xxx<="0||home.xxx">MAXX||home.yyy<=0||home.yyy>MAXY|| food.xxx<=0||food.xxx>MAXX||food.yyy<=0||food.yyy>MAXY|| food.amount<=0) { gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf("World initial fail, any key to exit..."); getch(); exit(2); } gotoxy(home.xxx,home.yyy); putch(HOME_CHAR); gotoxy(food.xxx,food.yyy); putch(FOOD_CHAR); } void AntInitial(void) /* initial ant[AntNow] */ { int randnum; int i; ant[AntNow].xxx = home.xxx; ant[AntNow].yyy = home.yyy; randnum = random(100); if(randnum<25) ant[AntNow].dir = UP; else if (randnum>=25&&randnum<50) ant[AntNow].dir = DOWN; else if (randnum>=50&&randnum<75) ant[AntNow].dir = LEFT; else ant[AntNow].dir = RIGHT; ant[AntNow].speed = 2*(random(INI_SPEED/2)+1); ant[AntNow].SpeedTimer = 0; ant[AntNow].food = 0; ant[AntNow].SmellAmount[SMELL_TYPE_FOOD] = 0; ant[AntNow].SmellAmount[SMELL_TYPE_HOME] = MAX_SMELL; ant[AntNow].IQ = 1; for(i=0;i<trace_remember;i++) {="" ant[antnow].tracex[i]="0;" ant[antnow].tracey[i]="0;" }="" ant[antnow].traceptr="0;" *="" a="" sepecail="" ant="" *="" if(antnow="=0)" ant[antnow].speed="INI_SPEED;" }="" void="" worldchange(void)="" {="" int="" k,i,j;="" int="" smelldisp;="" smellgonetimer+="timer10ms;" if(smellgonetimer="">=SMELL_GONE_SPEED) { SmellGoneTimer = 0; for(k=0;k<=1;k++) /* SMELL TYPE FOOD and HOME */ for(i=1;i<=MAXX;i++) for(j=1;j<=MAXY;j++) { if(Smell[k][i][j]) { smelldisp = 1+((10*Smell[k][i][j])/(MAX_SMELL*SMELL_DROP_RATE)); if(smelldisp>=30000||smelldisp<0) smelldisp = 30000; if(SmellDispFlag) { gotoxy(i,j); if((i==food.xxx&&j==food.yyy)||(i==home.xxx&&j==home.yyy)) /* don't over write Food and Home */; else { if(smelldisp>9) putch('#'); else putch(smelldisp+'0'); } } Smell[k][i][j]-= 1+(Smell[k][i][j]*SMELL_GONE_RATE); if(Smell[k][i][j]<0) Smell[k][i][j] = 0; if(SmellDispFlag) { if(Smell[k][i][j]<=2) { gotoxy(i,j); putch(SPACE); } } } } /* of one location */ } /* of time to change the world */ } /* of world change */ void AntMove(void) { int antx,anty; int smelltodrop,smellnow; for(AntNow=0;AntNow<max_ant;antnow++) {="" ant[antnow].speedtimer+="timer10ms;" if(ant[antnow].speedtimer="">=ant[AntNow].speed) { ant[AntNow].SpeedTimer = 0; gotoxy(ant[AntNow].xxx,ant[AntNow].yyy); putch(SPACE); AntOneStep(); gotoxy(ant[AntNow].xxx,ant[AntNow].yyy); /* ant0 is a sepecail ant, use different color */ if(AntNow==0) textcolor(0xd); if(ant[AntNow].food) putch(ANT_CHAR_FOOD); else putch(ANT_CHAR_EMPTY); if(AntNow==0) textcolor(0x7); /* remember trace */ ant[AntNow].tracex[ant[AntNow].TracePtr] = ant[AntNow].xxx; ant[AntNow].tracey[ant[AntNow].TracePtr] = ant[AntNow].yyy; if(++(ant[AntNow].TracePtr)>=TRACE_REMEMBER) ant[AntNow].TracePtr = 0; /* drop smell */ antx = ant[AntNow].xxx; anty = ant[AntNow].yyy; if(ant[AntNow].food) /* have food, looking for home */ { if(ant[AntNow].SmellAmount[SMELL_TYPE_FOOD]) { smellnow = Smell[SMELL_TYPE_FOOD][antx][anty]; smelltodrop = ant[AntNow].SmellAmount[SMELL_TYPE_FOOD]*SMELL_DROP_RATE; if(smelltodrop>smellnow) Smell[SMELL_TYPE_FOOD][antx][anty] = smelltodrop; /* else Smell[...] = smellnow */ ant[AntNow].SmellAmount[SMELL_TYPE_FOOD]-= smelltodrop; if(ant[AntNow].SmellAmount[SMELL_TYPE_FOOD]<0) ant[AntNow].SmellAmount[SMELL_TYPE_FOOD] = 0; } /* of have smell to drop */ } /* of have food */ else /* no food, looking for food */ { if(ant[AntNow].SmellAmount[SMELL_TYPE_HOME]) { smellnow = Smell[SMELL_TYPE_HOME][antx][anty]; smelltodrop = ant[AntNow].SmellAmount[SMELL_TYPE_HOME]*SMELL_DROP_RATE; if(smelltodrop>smellnow) Smell[SMELL_TYPE_HOME][antx][anty] = smelltodrop; /* else Smell[...] = smellnow */ ant[AntNow].SmellAmount[SMELL_TYPE_HOME]-= smelltodrop; if(ant[AntNow].SmellAmount[SMELL_TYPE_HOME]<0) ant[AntNow].SmellAmount[SMELL_TYPE_HOME] = 0; } /* of have smell to drop */ } } /* of time to go */ /* else not go */ } /* of for AntNow */ textcolor(FOOD_HOME_COLOR); gotoxy(home.xxx,home.yyy); putch(HOME_CHAR); gotoxy(food.xxx,food.yyy); if(food.amount>0) putch(FOOD_CHAR); else putch(FOOD_CHAR2); textcolor(7); gotoxy(1,MAXY+1); printf("Food %d, Home %d ",food.amount,home.amount); } void AntOneStep(void) { int ddir,tttx,ttty; int i; ddir = ant[AntNow].dir; tttx = ant[AntNow].xxx; ttty = ant[AntNow].yyy; ddir = AntNextDir(tttx,ttty,ddir); switch(ddir) { case UP: ttty--; break; case DOWN: ttty++; break; case LEFT: tttx--; break; case RIGHT: tttx++; break; default: break; } /* of switch dir */ ant[AntNow].dir = ddir; ant[AntNow].xxx = tttx; ant[AntNow].yyy = ttty; if(ant[AntNow].food) /* this ant carry with food, search for home */ { if(tttx==home.xxx&&ttty==home.yyy) { home.amount++; AntInitial(); } if(tttx==food.xxx&&ttty==food.yyy) ant[AntNow].SmellAmount[SMELL_TYPE_FOOD] = MAX_SMELL; } /* of search for home */ else /* this ant is empty, search for food */ { if(tttx==food.xxx&&ttty==food.yyy) { if(food.amount>0) { ant[AntNow].food = 1; food.amount--; ant[AntNow].SmellAmount[SMELL_TYPE_FOOD] = MAX_SMELL; ant[AntNow].SmellAmount[SMELL_TYPE_HOME] = 0; ant[AntNow].dir = TurnBack(ant[AntNow].dir); for(i=0;i<trace_remember;i++) {="" ant[antnow].tracex[i]="0;" ant[antnow].tracey[i]="0;" }="" ant[antnow].traceptr="0;" canfindfood="1;" }="" *="" of="" still="" have="" food="" *="" }="" if(tttx="=home.xxx&amp;&amp;ttty==home.yyy)" ant[antnow].smellamount[smell_type_home]="MAX_SMELL;" }="" *="" of="" search="" for="" food="" *="" }="" void="" dealkey(char="" key)="" {="" int="" i;="" switch(key)="" {="" case="" 'p':="" gettime(&endtime);="" dispplaytime();="" getch();="" gotoxy(1,maxy+1);="" for(i="1;i&lt;=MAXX-1;i++)" putch(space);="" break;="" case="" 't':="" if(smelldispflag)="" {="" smelldispflag="0;" clearsmelldisp();="" }="" else="" smelldispflag="1;" break;="" case="" '1':="" dispsmell(smell_type_food);="" getch();="" clearsmelldisp();="" break;="" case="" '2':="" dispsmell(smell_type_home);="" getch();="" clearsmelldisp();="" break;="" case="" '3':="" dispsmell(2);="" getch();="" clearsmelldisp();="" break;="" case="" 's':="" saveblock();="" break;="" case="" 'l':="" loadblock();="" break;="" default:="" gotoxy(1,maxy+1);="" for(i="1;i&lt;=MAXX-1;i++)" putch(space);="" }="" *="" of="" switch="" *="" }="" void="" clearsmelldisp(void)="" {="" int="" k,i,j;="" for(k="0;k&lt;=1;k++)" *="" smell="" type="" food="" and="" home="" *="" for(i="1;i&lt;=MAXX;i++)" for(j="1;j&lt;=MAXY;j++)" {="" if(smell[k][i][j])="" {="" gotoxy(i,j);="" putch(space);="" }="" }="" *="" of="" one="" location="" *="" }="" void="" dispsmell(int="" type)="" *="" input:="" 0="" --="" only="" display="" food="" smell="" 1="" --="" only="" display="" home="" smell="" 2="" --="" display="" both="" food="" and="" home="" smell="" *="" {="" int="" k,i,j;="" int="" fromk,tok;="" int="" smelldisp;="" switch(type)="" {="" case="" 0:="" fromk="0;" tok="0;" break;="" case="" 1:="" fromk="1;" tok="1;" break;="" case="" 2:="" fromk="0;" tok="1;" break;="" default:fromk="0;" tok="1;" break;="" }="" smellgonetimer="0;" for(k="fromk;k&lt;=tok;k++)" *="" smell="" type="" food="" and="" home="" *="" for(i="1;i&lt;=MAXX;i++)" for(j="1;j&lt;=MAXY;j++)" {="" if(smell[k][i][j])="" {="" smelldisp="1+((10*Smell[k][i][j])/(MAX_SMELL*SMELL_DROP_RATE));" if(smelldisp="">=30000||smelldisp<0) smelldisp = 30000; gotoxy(i,j); if(i!=food.xxx||j!=food.yyy) { if((i==food.xxx&&j==food.yyy)||(i==home.xxx&&j==home.yyy)) /* don't over write Food and Home */; else { if(smelldisp>9) putch('#'); else putch(smelldisp+'0'); } } } } /* of one location */ } int AntNextDir(int xxx,int yyy,int ddir) { int randnum; int testdir; int CanGoState; int cangof,cangol,cangor; int msf,msl,msr,maxms; int type; CanGoState = CanGo(xxx,yyy,ddir); if(CanGoState==0||CanGoState==2||CanGoState==3||CanGoState==6) cangof = 1; else cangof = 0; if(CanGoState==0||CanGoState==1||CanGoState==3||CanGoState==5) cangol = 1; else cangol = 0; if(CanGoState==0||CanGoState==1||CanGoState==2||CanGoState==4) cangor = 1; else cangor = 0; if(ant[AntNow].food) type = SMELL_TYPE_HOME; else type = SMELL_TYPE_FOOD; msf = GetMaxSmell(type,xxx,yyy,ddir); msl = GetMaxSmell(type,xxx,yyy,TurnLeft(ddir)); msr= GetMaxSmell(type,xxx,yyy,TurnRight(ddir)); maxms = MaxLocation(msf,msl,msr); /* maxms - 1 - msf is MAX 2 - msl is MAX 3 - msr is MAX 0 - all 3 number is 0 */ testdir = NULL; switch(maxms) { case 0: /* all is 0, keep testdir = NULL, random select dir */ break; case 1: if(cangof) testdir = ddir; else if(msl>msr) if(cangol) testdir = TurnLeft(ddir); else if(cangor) testdir = TurnRight(ddir); break; case 2: if(cangol) testdir = TurnLeft(ddir); else if(msf>msr) if(cangof) testdir = ddir; else if(cangor) testdir = TurnRight(ddir); break; case 3: if(cangor) testdir = TurnRight(ddir); else if(msf>msl) if(cangof) testdir =ddir; else if(cangol) testdir = TurnLeft(ddir); break; default:break; } /* of maxms */ randnum = random(1000); if(randnum<smell_drop_rate*1000||testdir==null) *="" 1.="" if="" testdir="NULL," means="" can="" not="" find="" the="" max="" smell="" or="" the="" dir="" to="" max="" smell="" can="" not="" go="" then="" random="" select="" dir="" 2.="" if="" ant="" error,="" don't="" follow="" the="" smell,="" random="" select="" dir="" *="" {="" randnum="random(100);" switch(cangostate)="" {="" case="" 0:="" if(randnum<90)="" testdir="ddir;" else="" if="" (randnum="">=90&&randnum<95) testdir = TurnLeft(ddir); else testdir = TurnRight(ddir); break; case 1: if(randnum<50) testdir = TurnLeft(ddir); else testdir = TurnRight(ddir); break; case 2: if(randnum<90) testdir = ddir; else testdir = TurnRight(ddir); break; case 3: if(randnum<90) testdir = ddir; else testdir = TurnLeft(ddir); break; case 4: testdir = TurnRight(ddir); break; case 5: testdir = TurnLeft(ddir); break; case 6: testdir = ddir; break; case 7: testdir = TurnBack(ddir); break; default:testdir = TurnBack(ddir); } /* of can go state */ } return(testdir); } int GetMaxSmell(int type,int xxx,int yyy,int ddir) { int i,j; int ms; /* MAX smell */ ms = 0; switch(ddir) { case UP: for(i=xxx-ANT_EYESHOT;i<=xxx+ANT_EYESHOT;i++) for(j=yyy-ANT_EYESHOT;j<yyy;j++) {="" if(!judgecango(i,j))="" continue;="" if((i="=food.xxx&amp;&amp;j==food.yyy&amp;&amp;type==SMELL_TYPE_FOOD)||" (i="=home.xxx&amp;&amp;j==home.yyy&amp;&amp;type==SMELL_TYPE_HOME))" {="" ms="MAX_SMELL;" break;="" }="" if(istrace(i,j))="" continue;="" if(smell[type][i][j]="">ms) ms = Smell[type][i][j]; } break; case DOWN: for(i=xxx-ANT_EYESHOT;i<=xxx+ANT_EYESHOT;i++) for(j=yyy+1;j<=yyy+ANT_EYESHOT;j++) { if(!JudgeCanGo(i,j)) continue; if((i==food.xxx&&j==food.yyy&&type==SMELL_TYPE_FOOD)|| (i==home.xxx&&j==home.yyy&&type==SMELL_TYPE_HOME)) { ms = MAX_SMELL; break; } if(IsTrace(i,j)) continue; if(Smell[type][i][j]>ms) ms = Smell[type][i][j]; } break; case LEFT: for(i=xxx-ANT_EYESHOT;i<xxx;i++) for(j="yyy-ANT_EYESHOT;j&lt;=yyy+ANT_EYESHOT;j++)" {="" if(!judgecango(i,j))="" continue;="" if((i="=food.xxx&amp;&amp;j==food.yyy&amp;&amp;type==SMELL_TYPE_FOOD)||" (i="=home.xxx&amp;&amp;j==home.yyy&amp;&amp;type==SMELL_TYPE_HOME))" {="" ms="MAX_SMELL;" break;="" }="" if(istrace(i,j))="" continue;="" if(smell[type][i][j]="">ms) ms = Smell[type][i][j]; } break; case RIGHT: for(i=xxx+1;i<=xxx+ANT_EYESHOT;i++) for(j=yyy-ANT_EYESHOT;j<=yyy+ANT_EYESHOT;j++) { if(!JudgeCanGo(i,j)) continue; if((i==food.xxx&&j==food.yyy&&type==SMELL_TYPE_FOOD)|| (i==home.xxx&&j==home.yyy&&type==SMELL_TYPE_HOME)) { ms = MAX_SMELL; break; } if(IsTrace(i,j)) continue; if(Smell[type][i][j]>ms) ms = Smell[type][i][j]; } break; default: break; } return(ms); } int IsTrace(int xxx,int yyy) { int i; for(i=0;i<trace_remember;i++) if(ant[antnow].tracex[i]="=xxx&amp;&amp;ant[AntNow].tracey[i]==yyy)" return(1);="" return(0);="" }="" int="" maxlocation(int="" num1,int="" num2,int="" num3)="" {="" int="" maxnum;="" if(num1="=0&amp;&amp;num2==0&amp;&amp;num3==0)" return(0);="" maxnum="num1;" if(num2="">maxnum) maxnum = num2; if(num3>maxnum) maxnum = num3; if(maxnum==num1) return(1); if(maxnum==num2) return(2); if(maxnum==num3) return(3); } int CanGo(int xxx,int yyy,int ddir) /* input: xxx,yyy - location of ant ddir - now dir output: 0 - forward and left and right can go 1 - forward can not go 2 - left can not go 3 - right can not go 4 - forward and left can not go 5 - forward and right can not go 6 - left and right can not go 7 - forward and left and right all can not go */ { int tx,ty,tdir; int okf,okl,okr; /* forward can go ? */ tdir = ddir; tx = xxx; ty = yyy; switch(tdir) { case UP: ty--; break; case DOWN: ty++; break; case LEFT: tx--; break; case RIGHT: tx++; break; default: break; } /* of switch dir */ if(JudgeCanGo(tx,ty)) okf = 1; else okf = 0; /* turn left can go ? */ tdir = TurnLeft(ddir); tx = xxx; ty = yyy; switch(tdir) { case UP: ty--; break; case DOWN: ty++; break; case LEFT: tx--; break; case RIGHT: tx++; break; default: break; } /* of switch dir */ if(JudgeCanGo(tx,ty)) okl = 1; else okl = 0; /* turn right can go ? */ tdir = TurnRight(ddir); tx = xxx; ty = yyy; switch(tdir) { case UP: ty--; break; case DOWN: ty++; break; case LEFT: tx--; break; case RIGHT: tx++; break; default: break; } /* of switch dir */ if(JudgeCanGo(tx,ty)) okr = 1; else okr = 0; if(okf&&okl&&okr) return(0); if(!okf&&okl&&okr) return(1); if(okf&&!okl&&okr) return(2); if(okf&&okl&&!okr) return(3); if(!okf&&!okl&&okr) return(4); if(!okf&&okl&&!okr) return(5); if(okf&&!okl&&!okr) return(6); if(!okf&&!okl&&!okr) return(7); return(7); } int JudgeCanGo(int xxx,int yyy) /* input: location to judeg output: 0 -- can not go 1 -- can go */ { int i,j; if(xxx<=0||xxx>MAXX) return(0); if(yyy<=0||yyy>MAXY) return(0); if(block[xxx][yyy]) return(0); return(1); } int TurnLeft(int ddir) { switch(ddir) { case UP: return(LEFT); case DOWN: return(RIGHT); case LEFT: return(DOWN); case RIGHT: return(UP); default: break; } /* of switch dir */ } int TurnRight(int ddir) { switch(ddir) { case UP: return(RIGHT); case DOWN: return(LEFT); case LEFT: return(UP); case RIGHT: return(DOWN); default: break; } /* of switch dir */ } int TurnBack(int ddir) { switch(ddir) { case UP: return(DOWN); case DOWN: return(UP); case LEFT: return(RIGHT); case RIGHT: return(LEFT); default: break; } /* of switch dir */ }
