

wbemcli gc|gcd|dc|ec|ecn|gi|ci|mi|di|ei|ein|ai|ain|ri|rin|gp|sp|cm|cmx [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] [-noverify ] [-cacert  file] [-clientcert  file] [-clientkey  file] [-ac  assocClass] [-arc  resultClass] [-ar  role] [-arr  resultRole] objectPath [prop=value[,...]] [prop[,...]]


Alternate formats:

wbemgct [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] objectPath [prop[,...]]

wbemgcdt [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] objectPath

wbemdct [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] objectPath

wbemect [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] objectPath [prop[,...]]

wbemecnt [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] objectPath

wbemgit [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] objectPath [prop[,...]]

wbemcit [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] objectPath [prop=value[,...]]

wbemmit [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] objectPath [prop=value[,...]]

wbemdit [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] objectPath

wbemeit [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] objectPath [prop[,...]]

wbemeint [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] objectPath

wbemait [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] [-ac  assocClass] [-arc  resultClass] [-ar  role] [-arr  resultRole] objectPath [prop[,...]]

wbemaint [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] [-ac  assocClass] [-arc  resultClass] [-ar  role] [-arr  resultRole] objectPath

wbemrit [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] [-arc  resultClass] [-ar  role] objectPath [prop[,...]]

wbemrint [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] [-arc  resultClass] [-ar  role] objectPath

wbemgpt [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] objectPath prop

wbemspt [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] objectPath prop=value

wbemcmt [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] objectPath method[.param=value[,...]]

wbemcmxt [-nl ] [-h ] [-t ] [-dx ] [-dr ] objectPath method[.param=value[,...]]


gc      get class
gcd    get class definition
dc      delete class
ec      enumerate classes
ecn    enumerate class names
gi       get instance
ci       create instance
mi      modify instance
di       delete instance
ei       enumerate instances
ein     enumerate instance names
ai       enumerate association instances
ain     enumerate association instance names
ri       enumerate reference instances
rin     enumerate reference instance names
gp      get property
sp      set property
cm     call method
cmx   call method (return XML)


Print a help message
Start a new line for every property returned
Append array ([]), reference (&) and key property (#) indicators to property names
Show version information
Show XML messages payload as received from CIMOM
Delineate references with { } pairs
Do not verify the server certificate for https URLs (useful for testing)
CA certificate file (required for https URLS unless -noverify is specified)
Client certificate file (if the CIM server requires client certificates)
Client private key file (required if -clientcert is specified)
tassociation class name (ai, ain only)
tresult class name (ai, ain, rin, ri only)
trole name (ai, ain, rin, ri only)
tresult role name (ai, ain only)
