
The Architect (dedicated non-programming technical decision maker and problem solver for business):


Has outdated programming knowledge and experience, loss of touch with modern development approaches and practices. 过时的编程知识和经验,对现代的软件开发方式和实践缺乏关注。
Don’t program and don’t know much about evolving system internals, but makes key technical decisions. Often has completely irrelevant and unreal picture what is happening with the system. 不进行软件开发,对系统内部知之甚少,但却要做出关键的技术决策。对系统经常有完全无关和虚幻的映像(不太会翻译这句)。
Tends to complex, premature and generic solutions when the system is still in infancy and nothing is clear. Applies latest modern buzzword technologies as SOA, MDA, SaaS, Software Factories, etc. which look so beautiful in technical magazines, conferences and CV, but cause unnecessary headache for developers. 当系统仍处于起始阶段,都还不明晰的时候,常会做出复杂的,不成熟仅仅通用的决策。使用在技术杂志、技术大会和CV上看起来如此美妙的现代最新的口号,诸如SOA,MDA,SaaS,Software Factories等等,只是给开发人员带来不必要的头痛。
Plays role of the middleman introducing complexity in coordination and project responsibilities. Represents software team in interactions with business customers reducing communication value for the rest of the team and impacting idea flow. 以中间人的角色,引入复杂的协调和项目的责任。代表开发组与客户进行交流,屏蔽了其他成员的发言权和开发思想上的交流。(翻译时候意思懂了,但就是表达不出来)
Reduces quality of decisions, which become limited to one perspective; decision making starts lacking diversity, independence and decentralization, which are essential attributes of collective intelligence. 决定仅仅局限在某个角度 ,降低了决策的质量;最初的决定缺乏多样性,独立性和向下兼容,这些都是集体决策的本质。
Creates tension with developers who experience mismatch between grand design and reality. Often continues pushing design decisions until the system becomes overly complex, difficult to change and becomes completely unusable. 在缺乏大型设计和实现经验的开发者之间制造紧张氛围。不断的做出决定,系统变得过度复杂,难于改变,和应用。
Secures job and justifies high salary - becomes authoritative center for solving business problems without much input from the team. 有稳定的工作和高薪,成为解决业务问题的权威,但却从未融入到团队当中。
Causes loss of sense of ownership, motivation and accountability in developers by detaching them from the key architecture decisions. 把开发人员排除在关键架构决策之外,让他们缺乏主动性和责任感。
Concentrates project knowledge and the big picture in one head, limiting (and sometimes preventing) complete understanding for others. 只精通工程知识和大局一面,对其他方面几乎一无所知。
Contributes to creation of specialized IT verticals that hurt relations with the business. 擅长在纵向专门的IT方面建立联系,但同时却切断了业务上的关联。

