1. Session:
a).config the start and end time, this can reset all of this session state, eg. sequence number, and the session can be start and stop automatically according to this configuration.
b). the time is UTC
2. Acceptor and Initiator
a). Acceptor can create a server bind a address with port
b). Initiator can create a connector to communicate with acceptor.
3. JMX support
quickfixJ had exposed some function , eg, logon, logout, resetSequence through JMX, just use
JmxExporter jmxExporter = new JmxExporter();
but I faced java version problem, since my project is maven project, and there may contain at lease 2 same class in the classpath(my fix jar and quickfixj).
4. SLF4j
NOT resolved
5. quickfix/j 1.3.1 + proxool 0.9.0RC2
this may cause
java.lang.LinkageError: duplicate class definition: $java/lang/Object$$FastClassByCGLIB$$
then should replace with proxool 0.9.0RC3, but can not use 0.9.0 and above since quickfix.JdbcUtil call ds.setMaximumActiveTime(5000) that had been modified to ProxoolDataSource#setMaximumActiveTime(long);
6. 1.4.0 support FIX 5.X for separating session layer and application layer.