open block

I have updated previous technique since firefox will still block it.  Previous post left below, but this technique comes from here:

Basically, make a call to an AS function that does this:

    var url1:String = new String();
    url1 = "";
    // This method of opening window gets around popup blockers"", url1, "_blank", "");
You could also use ExternalInterface to call a javascript popup function to size the popup (the above code just opens a new window).

hope it works for ya'll...

//////////////////// previous post

In main Flex script tag, create this function:

   // function below opens window without getting it blocked       
     private function openNewWindow(event:MouseEvent, url:String, winName:String, w:int, h:int, toolbar:int, location:int, directories:int, status:int, menubar:int, scrollbars:int, resizable:int):void {
        var fullURL:String = "javascript:var myWin; if(!myWin || myWin.closed){myWin ='" + url + "','" + winName + "','" + "width=" + w + ",height=" + h + ",toolbar=" + toolbar + ",location=" + location + ",directories=" + directories + ",status=" + status + ",menubar=" + menubar + ",scrollbars=" + scrollbars + ",resizable=" + resizable + ",top='+((screen.height/2)-(" + h/2 + "))+',left='+((screen.width/2)-(" + w/2 + "))+'" + "')}else{myWin.focus();};void(0);";
        var u:URLRequest = new URLRequest(fullURL);

Then, use this code on a button or link to pop up the window:

            click="openNewWindow(event, '', 'candiespop', 800, 600, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);"
            id="test link"
            mouseChildren="false" />

To determine if the new window has toolbars, menubars, etc you can set a 0 or 1 for those fields when calling the function.  There are actually several ways to do this, but this one seemed easiest to manage to me.

Have fun.
