where can i find the job number of those jobs defined in dba_scheduler_jobs?


Hello, could anybody tell me where can i find the job number of those jobs defined in dba_scheduler_jobs? either whose owner is EXFSYS or a created owner.
I see some errors in alert log but i cann't go to the job number specified because i cann't find them, this jobs have been defined by means of the scheduler.
Thanks in advance.



A job is primarily identified by its name and owner. If you see an error in the alert/log it should point to a job slave trace file. In the job slave trace file you will see the job name. Then you can do a select from dba_scheduler jobs filtering by job_name and owner.

The job id for a scheduler job is intended to be for internal use only. If you absolutely need to find the job name for a job id you can do (as SYS)

SELECT o.name object_name, u.name object_owner FROM
obj$ o, user$ u WHERE
o.obj# = JOB_ID and o.owner# = u.user#;

or to get all jobs owned by a particular user

SELECT o.name object_name, u.name object_owner, o.obj# job_id FROM
obj$ o, user$ u WHERE
o.owner# = u.user# and u.name='USERNAME' and o.type#=66;

But neither of these should even be necesary.

Hope this helps,
