Wicket forum tips

How do I call my javascript after each wicket partial update?


if you want to execute a certain piece of js code after *every* (successful)
ajax update,
you can use the following js code:
wicketGlobalPostCallHandler = function {
  alert('successful partial update');

as "wicket user" already said, you can also add javascript in serverside
using AjaxRequestTarget#appendJavascript or #prependJavascript.

and there's still the option to use an IAjaxCallDecorator.



IHeaderContributor (Wicket 1.3.2 API)


public interface IHeaderContributor
extends IClusterable

An interface to be implemented by components or behaviors that wish to
contribute to the header section of the page. Example:

 class MyPanel extends Panel implements IHeaderContributor
        public MyPanel(String id)
        public void renderHead(IHeaderResponse response)
                response.renderOnLoadJavascript("alert('page loaded!');");



Post or Get Request





