Abount StoneAge Dictionary Project

1. What is StoneAge Dictionary, and What features she had?

It is a open, real-time online vocabulary dictionary software, we can use it on the Internet base on web browser, or download it and use as desktop version.

No matter what version you used, you can query vocabulary quickly, share customized dictionaries of you own with your friends easily. You can join the

maintain job of dictionaries for your friends, including vocabulary’s add, update and delete.

2. When the Dictionary available?

On 21 Apr. 2008, we will release the 1.0 version. In current phase, we will issue a available version every 2 weeks. Please pay some attention on her patiently :-)

3. Who design her and implement her?

For her, we set up a development team, contains 5 guys :-) More about them, please visits http://www.5iubuntu.com/StoneAge

4. About User lisence

She is a open source software under GPLv3(or later version), you can use, modify her with GPL.
