

GUI functions.
uicontrol - Create user interface control.
uimenu - Create user interface menu.
ginput - Graphical input from mouse.
dragrect - Drag XOR rectangles with mouse.
rbbox - Rubberband box.
selectmoveresize - Interactively select, move, resize, or copy objects.
waitforbuttonpress - Wait for key/buttonpress over figure.
waitfor - Block execution and wait for event.
uiwait - Block execution and wait for resume.
uiresume - Resume execution of blocked M-file.
uistack - Control stacking order of objects.
uisuspend - Suspend the interactive state of a figure.
uirestore - Restore the interactive state of a figure.

GUI design tools.
guide - Design GUI.
inspect - Inspect object properties.
align - Align uicontrols and axes.
propedit - Edit property.

Dialog boxes.
axlimdlg - Axes limits dialog box.
dialog - Create dialog figure.
errordlg - Error dialog box.
helpdlg - Help dialog box.
imageview - Show an image preview in a figure window.
inputdlg - Input dialog box.
listdlg - List selection dialog box.
menu - Generate menu of choices for user input.
movieview - Show movie in figure with replay button.
msgbox - Message box.
pagedlg - Page position dialog box.
pagesetupdlg - Page setup dialog.
printdlg - Print dialog box.
printpreview - Display preview of figure to be printed.
questdlg - Question dialog box.
soundview - Show sound in figure and play.
uigetpref - Question dialog box with preference support.
uigetfile - Standard open file dialog box.
uiputfile - Standard save file dialog box.
uigetdir - Standard open directory
dialog box.
uisetcolor - Color selection dialog box.
uisetfont - Font selection dialog box.
uiopen - Show open file dialog and call OPEN on result.
uisave - Show open file dialog and call SAVE on result.
uiload - Show open file dialog and call LOAD on result.
waitbar - Display wait bar.
warndlg - Warning dialog box.

Menu utilities.
makemenu - Create menu structure.
menubar - Computer dependent default setting for MenuBar property.
umtoggle - Toggle "checked" status of uimenu object.
winmenu - Create submenu for "Window" menu item.

Toolbar button group utilities.
btngroup - Create toolbar button group.
btnresize - Resize button group.
btnstate - Query state of toolbar button group.
btnpress - Button press manager for toolbar button group.
btndown - Depress button in toolbar button group.
btnup - Raise button in toolbar button group.

addpref - Add preference.
getpref - Get preference.
rmpref - Remove preference.
setpref - Set preference.
ispref - Test for existence of preference.

Miscellaneous utilities.
allchild - Get all object children.
clipboard - Copy and Paste strings to and from system clipboard.
edtext - Interactive editing of axes text objects.
findall - Find all objects.
findfigs - Find figures positioned off screen.
getptr - Get figure pointer.
getstatus - Get status text string in figure.
hidegui - Hide/unhide GUI.
listfonts - Get list of available system fonts in cell array.
movegui - Move GUI to specified part of screen.
guihandles - Return a structure of handles.
guidata - Store or retrieve application data.
overobj - Get handle of object the pointer is over.
popupstr - Get popup menu selection string.
remapfig - Transform figure objects' positions.
setptr - Set figure pointer.
setstatus - Set status text string in figure.
uiclearmode - Clears the currently active interactive mode.
